  • 學位論文


A study of Food safety knowledge and Professional ethics Influences Purchasing behavior-a case for Taichung City Chef

指導教授 : 鄭政宗 朱瑞淵


本研究係探討食品安全知識、職業道德對採購行為之影響,並以台中市廚師為研究對象,採立意抽樣,問卷共計發放400份,無效問卷48份,有效問卷352份。本研究以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與多元迴歸分析等方法,進行資料整理與分析,研究發現如下: 一、 台中廚師之食品安全知識、職業道德對採購行為皆呈正向相關。其中以食品安全知識中的化學性危害,以及職業道德中的認同程度、積極付出及實踐程度四個構面之影響最深。 二、 食品安全知識方面,廚師會因「公司型態」、「年齡」、「教育程度」及「持有餐飲相關證照數」不同而呈現差異。 三、 職業道德方面,廚師會因「性別」、「公司型態」、「年齡」、「工作年資」及「持有餐飲相關證照數」不同而呈現差異。 四、 採購行為方面,廚師會因「年齡」及「持有餐飲相關證照數」不同而呈現差異。   依據研究發現結果提出建議如下:提升廚師食品安全知識、強化廚師職業道德、建議廚師充實自我考取餐飲相關證照、建議業者鼓勵員工在職進修以及建立理薪資福利制度。   後續研究部分,未來可延續本研究調查結果,並擴大研究對象,讓此研究更有代表性;變項部分,建議可以從不同構面進行研究,或是從平均數較低的部分進行後續探討。 【關鍵字】食品安全知識、職業道德、採購行為、廚師


This study aims to explore the impact of purchasing behavior on the food safety and professional ethics. Participants were chefs in Taichung City as the population. Purposive sampling was used as the measure for the examination in the study. Questionnaire issued a total of 400, 48 invalid questionnaires and 352 valid questionnaires. In this study, the data was analyzed through statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The major findings are addressed as following. First, food safety knowledge and professional ethics of chefs in the Taichung City were highly positive correlation to purchasing behavior. However, the impact of the four dimensions, food safety knowledge among chemical hazards, the degree of recognition of professional ethics, the active practice of pay, and the perception level, are influenced the deepest. Second, for the food safety knowledge, chefs presented differently due to the differences of "companies patterns", "ages", "education" and "the number of the relevant license of Dining." Third, for the professional ethics, chefs presented differently due to the differences "gender", "company patterns", "ages", "work seniority" and "the number of the relevant license of Dining." Fourth, for purchasing behavior, chefs presented differently due to "ages" and "the number of the relevant license of Dining." According to the conclusions of the study, some recommendations were presented as following: to enhance food safety knowledge of cook, to strengthen perception of professional ethics of cook, to recommend chef to enrich themselves getting relevant certificates, to recommend the industry to encourage employees to join job training and also to establish the management pay and benefits system. For the follow-up study, researchers can continually do the further researches of the findings of this study and expand the study, so this study is more representative; for variables section, it is suggested that research can be studied from different facets, or discussed follow-up from the lower part of the average. Key Words: Food safety knowledge, Professional ethics, purchasing behavior, chef


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