  • 學位論文


The Research of Current Implement Issues and Attitude toward Localized Curriculum of Preschool Educator

指導教授 : 孫扶志


摘 要 本研究旨在探討金門縣及中部地區三縣市(臺中市、彰化縣、南投縣) 教保服務人員實施在地化課程現況、困境與認知態度之看法,本研究有以下 目的: 一、了解教保服務人員實施在地化課程的現況。 二、了解教保服務人員實施在地化課程時所面臨的困境。 三、探討教保服務人員實施在地化課程的認知態度情形。 本研究採問卷調查法進行研究,以金門縣及中部地區三縣市(臺中市、 彰化縣、南投縣)幼兒園教保服務人員為研究對象,以分層隨機抽樣方式, 抽取共計683名受試者進行施測收集資料,並分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、複選題交叉分析等進行分析,獲致以下結論: 一、在地化課程於幼兒園階段多已普遍實施,曾經實施之比例占78.1%,未 實施原因多為自覺對在地化課程知識不足,占40.9%;教保服務人員實 施在地化課程多以配合主題或單元融入相關課程方式進行,比例為 66.6%;有67.5%教保服務人員其教學時機以一般上課時間為主,且多以 小組或團體討論方式實施,比例為58.2%;自行擔任教學者比例最高, 佔61.4%,地方特產介紹則為最常進行的在地化課程主題,比例56.3% ;獲取教材之方式多來自同事意見,比例為66.8%;且學生是否有興趣 為影響教保服務人員選擇在地化議題的最重要因素。 二、「教師知能不足」、「學生安全問題考量」、「學校對在地化課程認同度不 高」、「家長無時間協助」與「社區可用資源不多」為教保服務人員實施 在地化課程所面臨之困難與限制。 三、不同教育程度之教保服務人員,研究所學歷人員專業知能顯著優於大學 學歷教保服務人員;服務於不同單位之教保服務人員,公立及鄉立幼兒 園教保服務人員在地化課程認知態度顯著高於私立幼兒園;服務於不同 區域之教保服務人員,金門縣與台中市之人員認知態度顯著高於彰化縣 與南投縣;而有參與研習經驗之教保服務人員其認知態度則顯著高於未 有參與研習經驗之人員。 根據本研究結果,研究者提出建議如下: (一)建立地區性在地化課程教材及網絡資料庫。 (二)積極辦理在地化課程研習與研討會活動,分享實務教學經驗。 (三)規劃辦理跨區與跨校之教學觀摩活動,促進經驗交流。 (五)教保服務人員應積極在職進修,提升自我在地化課程教學專業能力。 (四)定期召開鄉鎮市內學校運用在地化資源聯繫會議


Abstract This study investigated the current implement issues and attitude toward localized curriculum of preschool educators in Kinmen and three counties in Central Region (Taichung , Changhua , Nantou ), this study aimed to explore: 1.To understand the current implement issues toward localizedcurriculum of preschool educator. 2.To understand the current implement difficulties toward localized curriculum of preschool educator. 3.To explore the cognitive attitude toward localized curriculum of preschool educator. The methodology was based on the survey method.This survey was administered to 683 randomly-selected preschool educators in Kinmen,Taichung,Changhua and Nantou area.The collected responses were analyzed using methods including descriptive statistics,independent sample t-test,one-way ANOVA and cross analysis to obtain the following conclusions: 1. The implementations of localized curriculum are popular,among the surveyed preschool educators,78.1% have had experience of implementing localized curriculum,40.9% said that they have no experience cause knowledge deficiency;66.6% preschool educators implement more with the theme or unit into the manner in related courses to curriculum;67.5% preschool educators using the opportunity to the general class time based, and more as a team or group discussions embodiment, the ratio was 58.2%; self-serve teaching the highest proportion, 61.4%,; the most commonly introduced topic is “local products”, the proportion of 56.3%; the way to obtain materials come from colleagues, the ratio was 66.8%; and whether the students important factor in the localization issues. are interested in the influence of preschool educators to select the most 2. There are many difficulties and restrictions when the implement of localized curriculum . "lack of teacher knowledge and ability," "student safety considerations", "school curriculum on the ground is not high degree of recognition," "parents have no time to assist " and "no more community resources available" are all the difficulties. 3. academic staff institute of professional competence significantly better than a university degree educator; the important cognition on attitude of public and township educators significantly higher than in the private kindergartens; educators serving in different regions, the important cognition on attitude of educator in Kinmen and Taichung higher than staff Changhua and Nantou; while preschool educator involved in the study experienced cognitive attitude is significantly higher than no experience of personnel involved in learning. Based on the results of this study, recommendations are provided as following: 1.Build up regional ground-based curriculum materials and network databases. 2. Make additional efforts on localized curriculum activities and seminars to share practical experience in teaching. 3.Planning to handle cross and inter-institution teaching the demonstration activities, promote the exchange of experiences. curriculum expertise in ground connected meeting. 5. preschool educator should job training actively , self-improvement education 4.Regular meetings of the township in the city schools use localized resources


教育部(2013)。幼兒教育及照顧法。全國法規資料庫。取自 http://law.moj.gov.tw/


