  • 學位論文


The Study of Brand Image and Perceived Value in Tourism Impact on People Repurchase Intention

指導教授 : 朱瑞淵


旅遊業者要如何銷售自己的產品、讓消費者在第一時間選擇自己的行程,是一值得探討之議題。為此,本研究旨在探討旅遊業品牌形象、旅遊知覺價值對再購意願的影響。 本研究以參與雄獅旅行社團體旅遊遊客為範圍與對象,於2014 年5 月01 日至5 月31 日,共發出400 份,回收之有效問卷為400 份。研究結果顯示,女性遊客約近70%,年齡以31-40歲之旅客最多,大學(專)教育程度最多,工作年資以3-6年最多,職業以服務業最多。每年1-2次的旅遊次數為多數,個人消費預算以25001元-40,000元為最多。旅遊業品牌形象、旅遊知覺價值與再購意願均呈現中高程度的結果,其中,分別以經驗性及功能性的認同度較高。 「年齡」對旅遊業品牌形象有顯著影響,「年齡」、「職業類別」、「旅遊次數」、「消費預算」對再購意願有顯著影響,其他均無明顯影響。經迴歸分析,品牌形象與知覺價值對再購意願有顯著的影響,而知覺價值又比品牌形象更為顯著。若由構面來看則以「功能價值」及「社會價值」影響較大。本研究亦對產品面、行銷面及重視消費者權益方面提供相關建議以供參考。


In the tourism industry, how the travel agency sells their tour packages to their customers and draws their first attention is the topic worth being explored. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effects of tourism brand image and perceived value on repurchase intention. The research used the group tourists of Lion Travel agency as the objects, and 400 valid questionnaires were collected. The result showed that most of them are female, with age of 31-40 years old, college education level, 3-6ytaers of work experience, occupation of service industry and travel 1-2 times each year with budget of NT$25,001-40,00 are majority. "Age" has significant impact on the tourism brand image. "Age", "occupation", "travel times", "consumption budget" also have a significant effect on repurchase intention. The other aspects in this study do not show any significant differences. By regression analysis, brand image and perceived value have a significant impact on the repurchase intention, and perceived value is more significant than brand image. From the view of construct, "functional values" and "social values" have greater impact on the repurchase intention. This study provides some suggestions on products, the marketing strategy and the rights and interests of consumers. We are hoping to provide a reference for the business management to this area.


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