  • 學位論文


The Relationship Among Work Values, Learning Effects, and Employment Intention of University Students: The Internship Program of the Department of Leisure Services Management of Chaoyang University of Technology as a Case Study.

指導教授 : 楊欽城 楊文廣


本研究旨在探討大學生校外實習工作價值觀、學習成效與就業意願之關係,並探討不同人口統計變項之大學生在實習工作價值觀、學習成效與就業意願之差異情形。以朝陽科技大學休閒事業管理系102級及103級實習一年之學生為範圍,採取普查方式,回收有效問卷為152份,有效回收率達62.2%。所得資料經描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數、卡方檢定、多元逐步迴歸分析及多元邏輯斯迴歸分析後,獲得以下結論: 一、朝陽科技大學休閒系學生主要為女性居多;模組以綠色旅遊模組居多;實習前已經有工作經驗居多;實習機構所在地以中部居多;認為學校辦的哪項活動最有助益以校園徵才居多;覺得要實習多久以半年居多;實習單位以旅館業居多。實習工作價值觀變項,以「實習工作的成果能獲得肯定,是令我最快樂」、「實習是一份能與人較多接觸的工作」及「我認為實習工作經驗對未來有幫助」同意度最高;學習成效變項,以「我與同事間相處愉快」同意度最高;就業意願;以在經實習後以會留在休閒產業就業」居多。 二、不同背景變項學生校外實習工作價值觀、學習成效與就業意願均有部份顯著差異。 三、實習工作價值觀對學習成效有顯著影響;實習工作價值觀對就業意願有顯著影響;學習成效對就業意願有顯著影響。 貢獻:朝陽科技大學休閒事業管理系學生在實習工作價值觀較重視專業價值、在學習成效中對於學生自身滿意度較高、在就業意願達到學以致用的學生僅達6成


This study attempts to investigate the relationship among work values, learning effects, and employment intention of university students by surveying the differences the demographic variables manifest regarding the 3 working variables mentioned in the hope to shed new light for employers and school administration on employment and curriculum planning. The study is based on the survey of student classes of 2015 and 2016 from the Department of Leisure Services Management of Chaoyang University of Technology; 244 questionnaires were sent for survey, among which 152 valid copies were returned (the return rate being 62.2%). The data were examined by descriptive statistics, independent samples t test, one-way ANOVA, χ2 test, stepwise multiple regression analysis, and multivariate logistic regression. The results are in order: 1. Female students constitute the majority of students in the Department of Leisure Services Management. Among the tracks offered by the Department, the Track of Green Tourism Management attracts more students than the others. Most of the students have working experiences prior to the Internship Program, and most of the establishments that offer internship are hotels based in central Taiwan. The on-campus recruitment activities help by the school administration are considered the most helpful to the research subjects, most of whom favor the length of 6-month internship over other choices. For work values, most interns agree that “the praises obtained from intern jobs make the internship enjoyable”, “intern jobs offer ample opportunities to contact with people” and “experiences obtained from internship is helpful for their career in the future.” In Learning Effect variables, “I am getting along well with colleagues” is the most agree-upon item in the category. For Employment Intention, most of the subjects respond that they will choose to “stay in the tourism industry” uafter the internship. 2. Results show that subjects of different background variables manifest significant differences in all working variables, viz. Work Values, Learning Effects and Employment Intention. 3. For the relationship among working variables, Work Values significantly affects Learning Effects, and Employment Intention, which is significantly affected by Learning Effects.




高淑錦(2016)。高職餐飲科輪調式建教生之學習態度與工作價值觀 對未來餐旅就業意願相關性之研究-以中部地區為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-1108201714031715
