  • 學位論文


The Strategic Change of the Hard Plastic Window Covering Industry: A Company Case Study

指導教授 : 徐茂練


傳統產業,包含製造、代工民生用品,在一般人眼中的傳產,即是低廉、沒創意及高汙染等刻板印象,並與夕陽工業畫上等號,也因此在數十年前大批台商從台灣冒險前進中國大陸及東南亞發展,有些台商被巨浪吞沒,有些則在異國發光發熱,同時部分留在台灣的製造及代工廠靠著轉型將公司逐漸推向顛峰。 本論文主要探討在異國發展的台灣廠商中的塑料硬質窗簾產業,以產業內某一台商集團(A個案公司)為研究對象,進行企業轉型策略之研究。本研究採用個案研究法,以麥可波特之五力分析法進行環境分析,並依據策略轉型理論與資源基礎理論,配合個案公司策略轉型歷程,分析A個案公司轉型策略之起因、類型與成果。 A公司轉型分三個階段,第一階段之轉型概因其外部環境變化產生威脅而進行「以相關產品有突破性發展為主之轉型」,成功將A公司無法出貨之狀況與短時間內解決。第二階段受到內、外部環境同時產生威脅而進行製程及管理模式的「以管理過程為主」之轉型,成功將生產效率、利潤、及品質提高。第三階段轉型為現在進行式,因塑料硬質窗簾市場現在面臨相關問題越趨複雜及嚴重,個案公司根據其舊有經驗採「以相關產品有突破性發展為主之轉型」及「經營體質轉型」之成果或有可增強之處,本研究亦加以分析而提出增加以競爭環境為主的「市場轉型」策略。除了對個案公司目前進行中之轉型方向提出建議之外,本研究亦針對企業如何因應環境及本身變化而進行有效的轉型提供具體的建議。


In the eyes of the general, traditional industries, such as manufacturing and OEM livelihood products, are low cost, non-innovative, high-polluted industries, mostly negative stereotypes and are also marked as sunset industries. Thus, decades ago, a large numbers of Taiwanese companies took adventures developing business from Taiwan to Mainland China and Southeast Asia. Some were engulfed by the waves and some achieve successfully in foreign countries. At the same time, some manufacturers and OEM factories gradually move forward to excellent performance by strategy transformation. This paper mainly focuses on the development of Taiwanese PVC hard window covering manufacturers in overseas countries. Take one of the Taiwanese window covering manufacturers (A company) as an example, we investigate its strategy transformation process. The research is based on the case study research method, analyzing the environment by Mike Potter's five forces analysis. And based on the theory of strategy transformation and the resource based theory, the causes, types and achievements of A company's strategic change are analyzed. The transformation of A company consists of three phases, Phase 1 transformation comes from the threat of external environment generated by the regulation change happening to the target market (Lead free in the product formula). A transformation depending on the breakthrough development in relative products had successfully solved A company’s shipment-constrained situation in a short time. Phase 2 transformation comes from threats happening to external & internal environment simultaneously. A strategy transformation mainly on management process is adopted, that had been successfully upgraded production output & quality and elevated profit margin. Phase 3 transformation is still under developing. As existing issues in hard window covering industry are becoming more complicate & serious, based on past experience, the case company is pursuing a combination of product breakthrough and new market transformations. Based on the results of analysis, we propose some useful suggestions about phase 3 strategy transformation for the case company, and provide some suggestions about strategic analysis methods effectively react to the changing environment for traditional industries.


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