  • 學位論文


Vegetarian’s fight and consciousness: The Appeal Strategy and semiotic Application of Vegetarian Graphics.

指導教授 : 王桂沰




符號 訴求策略 素食圖像 素食 符號學


The populations of vegetarian have been rising for the pass few years and becoming a new influence. Therefore, the animal issue is no more under the table. The topic of this research names “Vegetarian’s fight and Consciousness” which means a war between vegetarians and meat eaters. The final work will trigger the thinking and awakening of this argument in depth. The primary reason of why people adopt vegetarian foods is entirely different from Eastern and Western cultures. In the east, the traditional religious regulations are the main consideration, yet, in the west, animal and environmental protection and health keeping are the major consideration, thus result in a distinct graphic performance of vegetarian topics. The positive appeal is often conducted in the east; people use the images of vegetables and fruits to transmit the healthy concept and employ the green color sign to represent its beauty. In the west, designers often use negative appeal to show the slaughters of animals. The graphic signs usually used are chickens and tableware, and the color signs are red and black to symbolize the bloodshed, the violence and the death. This project is created with three common appeals, fear appeal, humor appeal and story appeal, derived from the cases of Eastern and Western culture. Consequently, on the experiment with the aid of visual signs, this research screened out the creative medium and and developed the most suitable creative images and extended to the graphic application designs. This study is expected to lead people to think and care about the vegetarian issues.


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