  • 學位論文


The table game design of door gods for Taiwanese Woodblock Printing Museum

指導教授 : 林媛婉


現今各縣市的地方文化館為該地區設計特色商品與教育推廣,以達到在地文化知識傳遞。「臺灣傳統版印特藏室」為全台唯一收藏最多版畫的地方文化館,典藏品中分為經典圖錄、神像符令、彩印糊紙、文獻遊藝,其中最具代表典藏品為武將門神,主要有神荼、鬱壘、秦叔寶、尉遲恭、趙元帥、康元帥。 近幾年來「臺灣傳統版印特藏室」推廣多以導覽、體驗、館際交流方式為主,對於現代的親子對文化感受略顯薄弱,學習上多喜歡以互動性方式來傳遞知識,因此選擇桌上遊戲的設計,做「臺灣傳統版印特藏室」的教育推廣。 桌上遊戲特色於玩家能夠面對面直接互動的特色,受到大家的喜愛,也被認為能從遊戲中學習和親子之間互動的方式之一。透過文獻分析後,桌上遊戲機制分為50種,其中以樣式辦認與紙筆紀錄作為此桌上遊戲方針,再結合「臺灣傳統版印特藏室」之武將門神裡的神荼、鬱壘、秦叔寶、尉遲恭、趙元帥、康元帥共三對六尊,套用於樣式辨認中,將武將門神象徵物至於卡牌中,作為答題的依據。武將門神常用色彩有藍、黃、綠,將設計在卡牌上,以作為玩家搶答時的對應方式。紙筆紀錄將紙筆轉化為印章,在遊戲當中能認識版畫的正負概念,創作出寓教於樂的桌上遊戲。 包裝的設計將以圓柱的形式做呈現,是以圓有著圓滿之意為由。武將門神的設計能夠將每位門神換至不同身體上,增加趣味性,在不玩樂的同時,也能將包裝掛在家中,有著裝飾的效果。


Abstract Many local cultural museums in Taiwan design ways to sell unique products for the education and understanding of the indigenous culture. The Taiwan Woodblock Printing Museum holds the largest collection of engravings in Taiwan; the major categories being classic catalog, statues spell, papering and literature recreation. The most popular collection is “Wu-Jian” (door-god). It contains Tu, Yu Lei, Chin Shu - bao and Yu - Chih Kung, Zhou gong-ming, Zhong Kui, chang tao - ling and so on. In recent years, the Taiwan Woodblock Printing Museum has been using different methods to educate people. Some of them being, the docent giving detailed explanations on the artifacts, letting people have first-hand experience, and connecting with people who are knowledgeable on the subject. Through an interactive way, we would like to hand down the tradition. For accomplishing this, an example is; the “Taiwan Woodblock Printing Museum game” it can be played at the table and also contribute to the learning of Taiwanese history. Table games of this feature can have players come face to face with each other. This way of learning has been gaining popularity recently and it is considered that the one way to learn is by the interaction that a child can gain by playing the game with the parents. Through document analysis, there are 50 different table games, using pattern recognition and using the paper-and-pencil style aiming to make table games. Then combined with wu-jian (door god) inclusive of Tu, Yu Lei, Chin Shu - bao and Yu - Chih Kung, Zhou gong-ming, Zhong Kui, chang tao - ling,(“ from Taiwan’s Woodblock printing museum”) set properties about different colors, blue, yellow, and green on the cards. Symbols of the “Door-God” in the card game become the answer under the “Door-God’s” common colors blue, yellow, green and will be designed on the cards in a corresponding manner when the players answer. Paper-and-Pencil are taken onto the seal during the game and are cognoscible to understand the concept of plus minus prints. To create amusement along with education on the table games, the “Door-God” is aimed to get everyone to change into a different body. The completion of a cylindrical package indicates its completion. When not played, the package can hang at home as decore.


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