  • 學位論文


The Investigation of Knowledge, Attitude, and Willingness on Soil and Water Conservation at Shueili Township in Nantou County

指導教授 : 林盛隆


摘要 近年來每逢降下豪雨,台灣便有災情傳出,土石流、土石崩塌現象層出不窮,使得水土保持日亦受到重視,中央成立相關單位訂定水土保持法規條例,舉辦教育宣導,成立緊急防災應變中心,積極推動生態工程,顯示出國家對水土保持的重視。 本研究為南投縣水里鄉民眾對水土保持的知識、態度及意願調查,採隨機抽樣法進行問卷調查,分析結果如下:(1)民眾對水土保持的知識、態度及意願程度皆介於中等-中高程度之間。(2)民眾水土保持的知識情形受到民眾教育程度、是否從事農事、農事收入是否為家庭主要經濟來源、土地或住家是否曾遭受水土流失災害、平時是否注意水土保持訊息等因素影響。(3)民眾對水土保持的態度情形受到民眾性別、教育程度、農事收入是否為家庭主要經濟來源、土地或住家是否曾遭受水土流失災害、平時是否注意水土保持訊息等因素影響。(4)民眾對執行水土保持的意願情形受到民眾的教育程度、居住時間、農事收入是否為家庭主要經濟來源、土地或住家是否曾遭受水土流失災害、平時是否注意水土保持訊息等因素影響。(5)民眾對水土保持的知識、態度及意願之間呈現中度正相關。 民眾對於水土保持方法的知識雖然達到了解的程度(4.01),但對於水土保持的功效認同度只達3.82分,介於沒意見與同意之間,而配合施行水土保持的意願也只有3.37分,在沒意見邊緣,有越來越低的趨勢,其影響因素可再進行深入探究。


Abstract When heavy rains occur in Taiwan, disasters follow. Constant mudslides and landslides have made water and soil conservation an important issue. The government has established relevant departments and committees to set laws and regulations, and educate the people. They also have established the Disaster Response Center, which serves to promote ecotechnology, showing that the country is giving attention to the soil and water conservation problems. In this study, residents of Shueili (located in Nantou county) were surveyed to assess the public''s knowledge, attitude, and willingness to act on the situation. A random sampling method was used to conduct the survey. The results are as follows:(1) The people''s levels of knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to act upon the situation range from moderate to high. (2) The public''s knowledge of the situation depends on individual''s level of education, whether they farm, whether their main source of income comes from the farm industry, whether they have experienced the affects soil erosion, and whether they have paid attention to soil and water conservation topics. (3) The public''s attitude toward the soil and water conservation situation depends on individual''s level of education, whether they farm, whether their main source of income comes from the farm industry, whether they have experienced the affects soil erosion, and whether they have paid attention to soil and water conservation topics. (4) The public''s willingness to act depends on individual''s level of education, whether they farm, whether their main source of income comes from the farm industry, whether they have experienced the affects soil erosion, and whether they have paid attention to soil and water conservation topics. (5) The public''s knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to act towards soil and water conservation shows a moderate positive correlation. Public knowledge concerning soil and water conservation methods has achieved an acceptable level of understanding (4.01). However, the degree of recognition for the effectiveness of soil and water conservation is only at 3.82 points, ranging from no opinion to agreement. Also, the willingness to implement soil and water conservation is only 3.37 points. A lesser trend, the influencing factors on public knowledge, attitudes, and willingness to act can be further explored in-depth.




