  • 學位論文


The effects of Glovebox Gloves on Muscle Activity during Maximal and Submaximal Gripping

指導教授 : 宋鵬程


與上肢工作相關之肌肉骨骼傷害(Work-related musculoskeletal disorders, WRMSDs)為工業上最常見的傷病,人們最常使用手套來保護雙手,但若握力被削弱反而會增加工業場所中受傷的風險。 本研究評估手套箱手套對於進行最大握力(100%MVC)及次大握力(25%及50%MVC)MVC時肌力(EMG)之影響以及最大握力時不舒適程度之影響。選用三種市面上可買到的手套箱手套,包括丁基合成橡膠手套、氯磺化聚乙烯手套、和氯丁橡膠手套(各二種厚度:0.015"和0.03")來進行評估,使用帶有換能器之握力計搭配生理訊號紀錄系統紀錄握力及前臂4條肌群(屈指淺肌、橈側屈腕肌、橈側伸腕肌和伸指肌)之肌肉活動訊號,本研究之自變項共有手套材質、穿戴層數、手套厚度及施力水準徒手狀態之MVC及徒手MVC之25%和50%,總計171次試驗(手套:3*3*2*3=54, 徒手:3),每次試驗間至少休息2分鐘。每種手套狀況之最大握力結束後之休息時間,使用十點自覺負荷量表(Borg CR-10 scale) 評估施力與不舒適之程度。 研究結果顯示,選擇穿戴單層Butyl材質而厚度0.015”之手套對最大握力及肌力之影響最小,而穿戴0.03”之Hypalon與Neoprene手套所削弱之最大握力最多,且不舒適程度最高。因此,若於手套箱手套工作環境時,本研究建議穿戴厚度0.015”之Butyl手套以避免進行最大握力及次大握力時之人因工程相關災害。


Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) of upper extremities are among the most prevalent lost-time injuries and illnesses in almost every industry. Gloves are the most used protective device for human hand in many industrial tasks to protect the hand from injury. However, wearing gloves may reduced hand strength and contribute to increased risk of injuries or disorders. This study evaluated the effects of glovebox glove, layer, and thickness on maximum voluntary contraction grip strength and forearm muscle activity for gripping exertion with maximal and sub-maximal efforts. Butyl, hypalon, and neoprene gloves in 0.015” and 0.03” thicknesses were selected for evaluation. Grip strength were measured for each subject using a Jamar hand dynamometer with transducer. The BIOPAC MP150 EMG System which includes amplifier & A/D converter and data acquisition software installed in a laptop will be used to collect and process the surface EMG signals. The surface EMG signals were acquired from the following forearm muscles of dominant arm: (1) flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), (2) flexor carpi radialis (FCR), (3) extensor carpi radialis longus (ECR), and (4) extensor digitorum (ED) of the subjects’ arm involved with gripping tasks. The exertion and discomfort level were evaluated by Borg CR-10 scale after gripping. The independent variables with their respective levels tested in this experiment are glove material (Butyl, Hypalon, and Neoprene), layers (Single, Double, and Triple), thickness (0.015” and 0.03”), and exertion level (MVC, and 25%, 50% of the bare hand MVC grip strength). There are 57 treatment conditions (gloved hand: 3*3*2*3=54; bare hand: 3 levels of exertion) with two replicates of grip exertion to be performed for each treatment. In total, 171 trials will be administered to each subject in this experiment. The results showed that effects on maximum grip and muscle activity of 0.015 inch butyl glove in single gloving setting was the least. The 0.03 inch Hypalon and Neoprene glove reduced the maximum grip strength most, and made subjects feel the most uncomfortable. Based on the results, this study recommends 0.015 inch butyl glove in single gloving setting to provide the desired hand protection against ergonomics-related disorders in the glovebox environment involving gripping with maximal and submaximal efforts.


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