  • 學位論文


Analytic Hierarchy Process for Integrating Environmental Education and Eco-tourism into Outdoor Education of Elementary School

指導教授 : 白子易


校外教學是各校每學年當中重要的教學活動之一,由於有別於平常的教學模式,所以是學生非常期待的學習活動。「校外教學」從字面上而言,是指在學校以外場域的教學活動。近年來隨著經濟提升與風氣的改變,部分學校的校外教學已經由「教學為主的校外活動」演變成「旅遊為主的校外活動」,失去了原有的教育意義。 隨著環保意識逐漸被重視,且環境生態保育的觀念應該從小紮根,因此,有必要扭轉偏差的校外教學方式,並藉此機會將環境教育及生態旅遊融入國小校外教學活動之中。 研究者藉由文獻探討,歸納整理出相關的評估要素,採用「李克特 (Likert) 五尺度量表」的模式設計第一階段問卷,經統計結果,進行平均數與標準差分析,最後採用平均數較高的題項做為要素準則,以「環境教育及生態旅遊融入國小校外教學之層級分析」為目標,完成層級架構圖,再依據層級架構設計第二階段專家問卷。 為篩選第二階段回收問卷的有效性及一致性,以控制結果之可信度,採用AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) 為理論基礎,透過程式計算找出各成對比較矩陣的特徵值來進行一致性檢定,以篩選有效問卷,再計算有效問卷各要素準則的權重值,最後得到整體權重值及權重分析圖。本研究分析之結果如下: 一、評估要素層,整體專家認為最重要的要素依序為:「教師進修與教學模式」(0.393)、「政策支持與規劃推動」(0.224)、「安全認證與永續經營」(0.208)、「環境教育與生態保育」(0.175)。 二、在「政策支持與規劃推動」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「推動生態旅遊,促進地方繁榮」(0.339)、「教育主管單位的支持與推動」(0.247)、「政府應積極推動環境教育及生態旅遊」(0.240)、「規劃並發展以環境教育及生態旅遊為主題的校外教學旅遊區」(0.175)。 三、在「安全認證與永續經營」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「建置完備的災變預警系統以維護旅遊安全」(0.380)、「永續經營並保育自然資源」(0.340)、「提高旅遊地區當地居民對環境保護的重視」(0.148)、「對旅遊地區、業者及解說員設立評鑑及認證制度」(0.132)。 四、在「教師進修與教學模式」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「教師應積極充實環境教育及自然生態相關知識能力」(0.462)、「結合鄉土教學與生態旅遊」(0.208)、「尋求家長支持環境教育及生態旅遊的校外教學模式」(0.197)、「建置生態旅遊為主題的教學資源」(0.133)。 五、在「環境教育與生態保育」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「杜絕保育區內非法狩獵、採集、砍伐等破壞環境的活動」(0.384)、「加強各旅遊地區的環境維護及污染管制」(0.246)、「積極復育瀕臨絕種的保育類動植物」(0.215)、「確實管制保育區的參觀人數,降低干擾」(0.155)。 六、要素準則整體權重前5項準則依序為「教師應積極充實環境教育及自然生態相關知識能力」(0.201)、「教育主管單位的支持與推動」(0.131)、「規劃並發展以「環境教育及生態旅遊」為主題的校外教學旅遊區」(0.094)、「永續經營並保育自然資源」(0.087)及「對旅遊地區、業者及解說員設立評鑑及認證制度」(0.062)。 本研究之結果期望能提供政府推動環境教育、學校實施校外教學及未來研究者的參考。


Outdoor education is an important part of the academic year. Since the format of this type of education is different than regular classes, students particularly look forward to the kinds of learning activities it involves. Outdoor education can be defined simply as having teaching and learning events in places other than the traditional classroom. Lately, with improvements in the economy and other recent trends, some schools have altered their curriculum from education-oriented off-campus activities to tour-oriented off-campus activities. As a result, outdoor education has somehow deviated from its main purpose. As people are paying increasing attention to our natural environment, children should start learning about the concept of environmental and ecological conservation at a young age. Therefore, the purpose of off-campus activities must be corrected to reflect this. Environmental education and eco-tourism should be integrated into elementary school outdoor education. This study adopts the Likert scale, and includes an analysis of relevant documents with summarized components to design survey questionnaires for the first stage of the research. After processing means analysis of the survey results, the researcher selects those questionnaires with the highest scores to become the criteria. Finally, the researcher uses the hierarchy analysis of the goal, the integrated outdoor education program of environmental education and eco-tourism for elementary school, to complete the hierarchy structure. Then, the second stage questionnaires are designed based on the structure. In the second stage of the research process, interview questionnaires for experts are designed, based on the hierarchy structure. For standardized and effective evaluation and its credibility, the researcher applies the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a theoretical base and calculation formula to find out the characteristic value of each pair-wise comparison matrix, selects valid questionnaires, and then calculates each factor’s weight value. As a result, the study concludes with each standard’s overall weight value and an analysis chart. The analytical results of the study are as follows: 1 Regarding the hierarchy of the most important evaluation criteria, the experts generally agreed on the following order: “in-service teacher education and teaching modules” (0.393), “government support and plan execution” (0.224), “safety certification and sustainable operation” (0.208), and “environmental education and ecological conservation” (0.175”). 2 Under the evaluation criterion of “government support and plan execution,” the experts suggested that the most important criteria are in the following order: “promotion of eco-tourism to improve local development” (0.339), “support from and promotion by educational authorities” (0.247), “active promotion of environmental education and eco-tourism by government” (0.240), and “planning and development of outdoor education tourism areas with the themes of environmental education and eco-tourism” (0.175). 3 Under the evaluation criterion of “safety certification and sustainable operation,” the experts suggested that the most important criteria fall in the following order: “establishment of a well-equipped pre-warning system for tourism safety” (0.380), “development of sustainable operations and conservation of natural resources” (0.340), “raising of local residents’ awareness of environment protection” (0.148), and “determination of evaluation and certification standards for eco-tourism sites, businesses and guides” (0.132). 4 Under the evaluation criterion of “in-service teacher education and teaching modules,” the experts suggested that the most important criteria can be put into the following order: “aggressively enhancement of teacher knowledge in the areas of environmental education and natural ecology” (0.462), “combing native culture lessons with eco-tourism” (0.208), “seeking parents’ support for the outdoor teaching of environmental education and eco-tourism” (0.197), and “establishing teaching resources based on eco-tourism” (0.133). 5 Under the evaluation criterion of “environmental education and ecological conservation,” the experts suggested that the most important criteria can be put in the following order: “prohibiting illegal hunting, collecting, and logging in conservation areas” (0.384), “reinforcing environment protection and pollution controls on tourism areas” (0.246), “aggressively restoring endangered animals and plants” (0.215), and “controlling the number of visitors to reduce interference” (0.155). 6 As for the global weights of the criteria, the criteria with top five weights follow in order: “aggressive enhancement of teacher knowledge in the areas of environmental education and natural ecology” (0.201), “government support and plan execution” (0.131), “planning and development of outdoor education tourism areas with the themes of environmental education and eco-tourism” (0.094), “development of sustainable operations and conservation of natural resources” (0.087), and “determination of evaluation and certification standards for eco-tourism sites, businesses and guides” (0.062). Hopefully, these results will provide a research reference of promotion of environmental education for government, a plan of outdoor education for schools, and some references for other researches.


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