  • 學位論文


Analytical Hierarchy Process of Enhancing Cognition of Water Resources Education of Elementary School Teachers

指導教授 : 白子易


摘 要 近年來全球暖化、氣候變遷問題,已嚴重威脅人類的生存環境,其中水資源普遍呈現受污染、及不足的問題,因此許多國家已面臨無水可用的危機。因此,如何讓學童從小開始認識水、進而保護水資源,是身為國小教師的重要任務。 本研究以專家學者、政府機關、輔導團、國小教師為對象,運用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)建立國小教師水資源教育認知之有效準則,目的在探討加強國小教師水資源教育認知時,提供學校和教師參考之用。 研究結果如下:就整體樣本而言,「充足的教學設備及教材」的權重值最高(0.342),其次為「政府的積極作為」(0.313)、「教育單位的支持」(0.177)、最後是「學校行政的配合」(0.091)。此外,各評估要素準則權重值前三名是「提供多元化的水資源教材及教具」與「制定合宜的水資源政策為推動水資源教育之依據」和「活化校園的閒置空間,設置水資源教育專區」。因此,充足的教學設備及教材最能加強國小教師對水資源教育之認知。


ABSTRACT In recent years, global warming and climate changing have been threats to the survival of human environment, including pollution of water resources and shortage. As the result, many countries have faced a crisis of no available water. Helping the students understand about water resources and how to protect them is the most important responsibility of elementary school teachers. The participants of this study were experts, scholars, government agencies, counseling groups, and elementary school teachers. We used AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) to establish the effective protocol of water resources education in elementary school. The purpose of the study is to enhance the awareness of water resources education, providing reference for schools and teachers at the same time. The results of the study indicates that the weigh value of “adequate teaching equipment and teaching materials” is the highest (0.342), the second is “the positive approach of the government” (0.313), and then “the support of educational institutions” (0.177), and the lowest is “the cooperation of the school administration” (0.091). Otherwise, priority for each evaluating protocol, the first three items are “providing a wide range of teaching materials and teaching aids of water resources”, set appropriate water resources policies to promote water resources education "and” activating unused space on campus”. Consequently, “adequate teaching equipment and teaching materials “and” the positive approach of the government” will enhance cognition of water resources education of elementary school teachers.


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