  • 學位論文


The Study of Competitive Strategy for Social Welfare Ministry -The Case of Taichung Assistive Technology Resources Center

指導教授 : 嚴國慶


台灣社會變遷急遽快速,各種社會問題隨之叢生,國民對社會福利需求日益殷切,單憑政府已無法滿足其需要,遂與民間機構、團體合作辦理社會福利服務,期能提升社會福利服務品質、效率。近年,因應社會需求、國民福祉之增進,國家社會福利預算亦迭有增加,2010年達729億餘元。面對日益龐大的社會福利服務需求,為掌握社會福利服務發展趨勢,確保資源整合效益,執行單位要能擬定最適策略,藉以結合外在機會與本身條件,推動目標達成,建立並維持其競爭優勢。本研究將鎖定政府委辦之社會福利服務單位為研究對象,進一步深入探討。 2002年行政院通過身心障礙者輔具資源與服務整合方案,逐年編列預算補助各縣、市,辦理輔具資源中心。輔具資源中心良莠,直接影響政府補助輔具效益及使用者生活品質。如何發展公、私部門組織優勢,強化社會福利服務效能,即為本研究重點。因此,本研究將著重於地方輔具資源中心,確認成功關鍵因素,再透過問卷調查進行分析與探討,驗證策略意圖、策略目標及執行方案的可行性,使所得結果供組織推衍未來發展方向之競爭策略,同時提升其競爭能力。 關鍵字:社會福利服務、輔具資源中心、競爭策略


In Taiwan, various social issues have been raised due to the rapid change in society. As the needs for social welfare services increase, they cannot be met by government alone. In order to provide a higher quality of social welfare service, the government needs to cooperate with private organizations. Also, the National Budget for Social Welfare Services has increased. It reached almost 7,300,000NT in 2010. Since the demand of social welfare services keeps growing, an appropriate strategy is needed to catch the trends of social welfare services to ensure service effectiveness .This study will investigate the social welfare service organizations that are overseen by the government. In order to improve the services for people with disabilities, Executive Yuan of Taiwan started a program in 2002 to subsidize local assistive technology resource centers. The quality of these local resource centers has directly affected the results of subsidization and improved the customers’ quality of living. This research will try to discover the advantages of both public and private organizations, coordinate their resources and enhance the efficiency of social welfare service. Therefore, this paper will establish the key factors for the success of the local assistive technology resource center. The questionnaire method will be used to investigate, analyze and authenticate the feasibility of the strategic intentions, specific goals and implementation program, respectively. The results of this study will help organizations develop a better competitive strategy for the future. Key words: Social Welfare, Assistive Technology Resources Center, Competitive Strategy


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