  • 學位論文

從社會資本的觀點探討影響Facebook 粉絲團之忠誠度及資訊採用的因素

Understanding the Factors Influencing the Loyalty and Information Adoption on Facebook fan pages: A Social Capital Theory Perspective

指導教授 : 柯秀佳


Facebook已成為全世界熱門的社會網絡平台。其中,以粉絲團(Fan Pages)最受企業組織或是個人經營者的注目,紛紛投入Facebook粉絲團進行網路行銷。雖然透過粉絲團的口碑行為可以吸引新的成員加入粉絲團,但要如何維繫原有粉絲對粉絲團的忠誠度,進而對粉絲團產生經濟性資本,亦顯得重要。 本研究以社會資本理論及資訊採用模式為基礎,透過問卷調查法探討企業粉絲團與達人粉絲團在傳遞產品資訊時,如何透過粉絲團之社會資本結構面、認知面、及關係面讓粉絲產生忠誠度,進而產生採用粉絲團所發佈的產品訊息的意願。同時,亦討論粉絲對產品資訊有用性的認知,對粉絲實際採用產品資訊行為意圖的影響。此外,探討企業與達人型之Facebook粉絲團的社會資本與忠誠度的差異,以及影響忠誠度及資訊採用因素的差異。 本研究發現社會資本認知面及關係面是影響企業型粉絲團之粉絲態度忠誠度建立的主要因素,而社會資本關係面是影響粉絲行為忠誠度建立的主要因素。同時,研究亦發現,影響達人型粉絲團之粉絲態度忠誠度的主要因素是社會資本關係面,而影響粉絲行為忠誠度的主要因素是社會資本認知面。研究進一步發現,企業型粉絲團之粉絲態度忠誠度亦會提升粉絲採用產品訊息的意願,而達人型粉絲團之粉絲態度及行為的忠誠度,亦增進粉絲採用產品訊息的意願。除此之外,本研究結果發現不管是企業型或是達人型的粉絲團,粉絲採用產品資訊的行為皆會受到產品資訊之有用性的影響。最後,透過研究結果與實務意涵的討論,提出實質建議予Facebook粉絲團經營者及其他研究者進行未來相關研究之參考。


In recent years, Facebook has become a popular social network site around the world. The marketing power of fan pages of Facebook is noted by enterprises or personal business. Although marketing through Facebook fan page is an effective way to attract new members, how to maintain the members’ loyalty and further transfer that into economical capital is needed to address. Based on Social capital theory and Information Adoption Model (IAM), this study aimed to investigate how the three dimensions of social capital -structural, cognitive, and relational dimension, influenced fans loyalty. Furthermore, the impact of fans loyalty and fans perception of information usefulness posted on fan page on fans information adoption willingness was also examined. The differences of those proposed relationships between commercial fan page and personal expert fan page were explored as well. The research results showed that cognitive dimension and relational dimension of social capital were significantly related to the attitudinal loyalty of fans in commercial fan page, which in turn influenced fans information adoption willingness. The behavioral loyalty of fans in commercial fan page was influenced by relational dimension of social capital. The result also revealed that relational dimension of social capital was significantly related to the attitudinal loyalty of fans in personal expert fan page; while the cognitive dimension of social capital was the main factor influenced the behavioral loyalty of fans in personal expert fan page. Both attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty of fans in personal expert page were associated with information adoption willingness. Furthermore, the research result also found that information usefulness was an important factor which influenced both type of fans information adoption willingness. Finally, the research implications and several useful suggestions for Facebook fan pages operators and researchers were also discussed.


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