  • 學位論文

動機、購物價值、態度與購買意願關係之研究‒ 以線上購物為例

A Study of the Relationship on Motives, Shopping Values, and Attitudes toward Purchase Intention‒ Online shopping as an example

指導教授 : 林孟璋 李延熹


網路受歡迎的程度為線上市場帶來很多交易的機會,很多線上商家盡力的在設計宣傳活動及廣告時,常因被消費者忽視而感到氣餒。本研究的主要目的是要知道動機、消費價值及態度對購物意圖之影響。 本研究會先以預試為開端,接著是正式問卷的發放。便利抽樣法及線上問卷會被使用在此量化研究中,研究方法包含敘述性統計、信度分析、效度分析、因素分析、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關係數及路徑分析。 研究結果發現動機部份顯著地正向影響消費價值,消費價值部份顯著地正向影響態度,態度顯著地正向影響購物意圖,動機顯著地正向影響購物意圖及消費價值部份顯著地正向影響購物意圖。線上商家能藉著提供流行有趣的產品、能勾起消費者回憶或情感的懷念性產品、有特色的紀念品吸引到各式各樣的消費者,同時舉辦一些大型拍賣會,慶祝週年慶活動及其他活動與消費者保持良好的關係。


購物意圖 態度 消費價值 動機


Internet popularity brings a lot of transaction opportunities on online market, many shoppers have made significant efforts to design promotion plans or advertisements, they are often frustrated by consumers’ ignorance. The aim of the present paper is to determine the relationship among motives, shopping values, and attitudes toward purchase intention. This study conducts pilot study first, followed by formal study. The quantitative research method, convenience sampling, and online survey are adopted in this study, research methods include descriptive statistics, reliability statistics, validity statistics, factor analysis, chi-square test, independent-samples t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and path analysis. The result shows motives are partly significantly positive impact on shopping values; shopping values are partly significantly positive impact on attitudes; attitudes are significantly positive impact on purchase intention; motives are significantly positive impact on purchase intention, and shopping values are partly significantly positive impact on purchase intention. Online shoppers can attract different kinds of consumers by providing funny products, memorial products or souvenirs, simultaneously, holding big sales events, celebrating anniversaries, and other activities to maintain good relationships with consumers.


Motives Shopping Values Attitudes Purchase Intention


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