  • 學位論文

社區運動性社團參與動機對團體氣氛與運動承諾影響之研究-以 台中市海線地區為例

A Study of Participating Motivations, Group Climate and Sport Commitment of Community Sport Clubs for Sea Line Area in Taichung City

指導教授 : 楊欽城 李素箱


本研究旨在探討社區運動性社團成員的參與動機對團體氣氛與運動承諾之現況及差異情形,並以台中市海線地區的運動性社團成員為研究對象,採用立意取樣的方式進行問卷調查,共回收365份問卷,所得資料以統計軟體SPSS 18.0 for windows 進行描述性統計、項目分析、信度分析、探索性因素分析、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸、皮爾森相關積差等分析後,得結果如下:社區運動性社團以男性為主,年齡以41~50 歲為多數,以高中(職)學歷最多,以商/服務業為主,羽毛球運動社團人數最多;另外參與運動社團年資以10年以上比例為多數。社團成員的參與動機以「生理動機」最高,其次分別為「心理動機」及「自我實現」不同的參與項目及參與年資在「生理動機」上達顯著差異;不同的參與項目在團體氣氛上出現顯著差異。不同的年齡、教育程度、職業、參與項目及參與年資在運動承諾上部分達到顯著差異。研究結論發現:社區運動性社團成員之參與動機會對團體氣氛及運動承諾產生影響且運動性社團之團體氣氛與運動承諾間有顯著相關。最後依研究結果及發現提出相關建議,以供運動社團及政府部門作為經營推廣之參考。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among the motivations, group climate and sport commitment of community sports club members in Sea Line area in Taichung City. By using purposive sampling questionnaires, a total of 365 questionnaires were counted as valid after deducting invalid questionnaires. The material would be analyzed through descriptive statistics, independent Sample t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regressions. The findings are as follows: Most of the members in community sports clubs are male of which 41 to 50 years of age, working in business or service fields, with high-school education level, and have been participating their sports clubs for over 10 years. Sports clubs in this area, the majority is badminton clubs. We found that the motivation of the club members' participation is primarily related to physiology, secondly related to psychology and self-realization, and the least related to social contact. The sports items of members' participation has significant differences in both group climate and physiology although there is also significant difference between the years of members' participating and physiology. Moreover, there are significant differences among, ages, education levels, the state of vocations, sports items, and years of participating in clubs. According to the results, the motivation of the sports club members' participation has positive impact on group climate and sport commitment. Furthermore, there is a significant correlation between group climate and sport commitment of sports club members. Finally, these findings will provide useful information for both the community sports clubs and the government to conduct sports clubs.


黃杉楹(2005)。大專棒球隊員團隊氣氛、參與動機及團隊適應關係之研究。中華民國大專院校94 年度體育學術研討會專刊,232-240。
