  • 學位論文


The Study of Using Picture Books to Teach Single-Parent Preschoolers with Adaptation Problems

指導教授 : 孫扶志


本研究以北屯區的一所幼兒園三位大班單親幼兒為研究對象,透過繪本教學的技巧運用,了解單親幼兒對於父母親離異的想法,探討單親幼兒在幼兒園的適應問題,及介入繪本教學輔導後的改變與成效。 本研究共進行六週,每週約120分鐘,共計十二小時繪本教學課程,內容包括引導閱讀繪本、繪本教學後延伸活動。本研究採個案研究法,研究者透過與幼兒、教師和家長深度訪談和觀察的方式,了解個案在生活適應中的學習、情緒、行為、人際互動等適應問題,並運用繪本教學輔導單親幼兒適應問題,經由歸納分析資料,敘寫單親幼兒改善之歷程。 在繪本教學輔導歷程中,研究者和教師、家長透過共同討論、省思與觀察的歷程,促進教師的專業成長與家長教養態度的轉變。研究結果發現: 一、單親幼兒普遍在學習的專注力、解決問題能力、持久度上都需要加強;另因家庭社經背景、父母教養態度與幼兒個性特質不同,部分幼兒在壓抑的情緒上需要管道紓解,偏差行為如說謊、偷竊、及人際互動上動作拿捏尺度不恰當、仿效大人不當的說話口穩等,會出現不同的適應問題。 二、繪本的選擇貼近個案生活情境,採互動式閱讀、透過傾聽、引導、聚焦等輔導技巧共同討論繪本主題,進行生活上的連結。單親幼兒說出自己對父母親離異之看法,將責任歸因成自己的錯,雖已能接受父母離異的事實,但仍會希望父母親能和好。 三、三位大班單親幼兒在參與繪本教學介入後,有效提升單親幼兒在學習的專注力、問題解決能力及課程參與的持久度;在情緒上也能表現較為穩定及柔性的一面;對於行為偏差說謊、偷竊有明顯的改善;人際互動上,可以發現不當的肢體動作減少,在與同儕溝通協調上,都有相當程度的進步。 四、繪本教學介入單親幼兒輔導過程,影響了班導師也能主動介入幼兒關注、楷模策略,並適時給予正向行為的增強;單親父母與家人也能主動關心幼兒學習與生活狀況,檢視並調整自己的教養態度;此外,對於研究者在單親幼兒輔導之專業知能、繪本活動設計與研究省思能力,也有極大的成長。 最後,針對單親幼兒介入繪本教學輔導成效之結果,提出研究建議,供幼兒園教師、單親幼兒家長及後續相關議題研究者之參考。


The objects of this study are three students in senior class of a preschool in the Beitun Dist. The purpose is to explore how the preschool teachers apply picture books teaching to figure out the thoughts of single-parent preschoolers about the divorcement of their parents. The study also wants to figure out the efficiency and change after the counseling by picture books teaching. The study took 12 hours to take courses of picture books teaching, which proceeded 120 minutes each week in 6 weeks. The content included guiding picture books reading and extension activities after picture books teaching. A case study method was used for this research. The researcher used interviews among the preschool teachers, single-parent preschoolers and parents and observations to realize the adaptation problems of the children including learning, emotions, behavior and interpersonal relationships. The researcher also used picture books teaching to counsel the single-parent preschoolers on adaptation problems, then described the progress of their improvement by analyzing the datum. In the journey of the research, the researcher, teachers and parents discussed together, made self-examination and observed to promote the growth of teachers’ professional skills and the change of the attitude of the parents. The conclusions are as following: 1.Single-parent preschoolers usually need to enhance their attention of learning, the ability of solving problems and the endurance of courses participating. Because of various family, socioeconomic backgrounds, attitude of parents teaching and children’s different personal character, some children needs ways to let off the low spirits. Deviation behavior appears different adaptation problems, such as lying, stealing, inappropriate reaction of interpersonal relationships and inappropriate tone because of imitating grownup. 2.Pictures books were selected to get closer to the case’s daily lives.The researcher used the skills of interactive reading,listening, guiding and focusing to discuss with the children to connect with their daily lives.The single-parent preschoolers spoke out their views about the divorcement of their parents.They thought the divorcement is their fault. They accept the truth, but they still hope their parents can be reconciled. 3. The three students in senior class improve and enhance their attention of learning, the ability of solving problems and the endurance of courses participating. For their emotions, they get steadier and softer. For deviation behavior, it is also improved, including lying and stealing. For interpersonal relationships, inappropriate body movements are reduced. The interactions and communications with classmates are apparently improved. 4. During the processes of picture books teaching, the teachers are affected to care about the children actively. The teachers can also use the right policy to strengthen the good actions. The parents and family can actively care about the children’s learning and daily lives. They make a self-examination to modify their attitude as well. In addition, the researcher improve a lot about their professional skills, making a big picture teaching plan, and making a self-examination. Finally, according to the results of this study, the suggestions are offered to preschool teachers, single parents and the researchers who study the related case.




