  • 學位論文


The Effects of Parent-Child Worksheets of Energy Education on Elementary School Children’s Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Towards Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction

指導教授 : 蘇秀枝


本研究旨在探討運用「親子學習單」於家庭中的能源教育,對於學生與其家長的節能減碳知識、態度與行為之影響。採準實驗設計,研究對象為彰化市某小高年級學童,方便取樣120位學童。實驗分為二組,實驗組學生接受「能源教育親子學習單」,請學生帶回家與家長一起完成;而控制組學生則未實施「能源教育親子學習單」。 本研究之研究工具採用Su, Tsay, Wang, Chang, Wang, and Pai (2013)國科會計畫編號NSC 101-3113-S-324-001「學童節能減碳之知識、態度與行為之調查問卷」及「能源教育親子學習單」為研究工具,本研究使用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、成對樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行處理與分析。 本研究獲得以下結論: 1.學童節能減碳整體知識、態度與行為皆有中上表現,其中態度表現最佳, 行為表現較弱。 2.學童關於全球暖化、節約能源、減少碳排放之資訊來源主要來自老師、電 視、網路等。 實施能源教育親子學習單之前,實驗組與控制組在節能減碳知識、態度與行為並無顯著差異,在實施能源教育親子學習單之後: 1.實驗組學童節能減碳知識、態度與行為趨向正面積極。 2.實驗組學童不同性別學童在節能減碳知識有顯著差異,女學童節能減碳知識優於男學童;學童學業成績在節能減碳知識、態度與行為皆無顯著差異;不同程度的親子關係在節能減碳行為有顯著差異,親子關係「非常好」的學童,其節能減碳的行為,顯著優於親子關係「普通或以下」的學童。 3.學童節能減碳知識、態度、行為呈現正相關。 4.實驗組學童節能減碳後測知識、態度、行為顯著高於控制組學童。 5.實驗組學童節能減碳後測知識、態度與行為顯著高於前測節能減碳知識、態度與行為。 6.整體學童節能減碳後測知識、態度與行為顯著高於前測知識、態度與行為。 因此,以能源教育親子學習單,協助親子一起學習,能達到親子在節能減碳知識的提升,同時影響節能減碳態度,並改變節能減碳行為,教育者可多加利用能源教育親子學習單。最後依據研究結果提出具體建議,提供國小教師、家長、教育相關單位推行節能減碳之參考。


Abstract This study was part of a larger study sponsored by NSC 101-3113-S-324-001, and was intended to study the effects of effects of parent-child worksheets of energy education on elementary school children’s knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards energy saving and carbon reduction. Quasi-experimental method was used; participants included 120 5th graders. Children were assigned to experimental group and control group. Children in the experimental group received energy education worksheets to work with their parents at home. Children in the control group received no treatment. This study used instruments designed by Su, Tsay, Wang, Chang, Wang, and Pai (2013). Descriptive statistics, t tests, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation were analyzed. Results indicated: 1. Children had overall above average performance of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards energy saving and carbon reduction, attitudes scored the best, while behaviors scored the worst. 2. Children’s source of global warming, energy saving and carbon reduction mainly came from teachers, television, and internet. 3. Before parent-child energy education worksheet experiment, there were no significant differences between experimental group and control group of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards energy saving and carbon reduction, after the experiment: (1) All children had better performance. (2) Girls had better performance in knowledge than boys had. Children with better parent-child relationships had better behaviors. (3) Children’s of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards energy saving and carbon reduction were positively related. (4) Children in the experimental group had better post-test performance of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards energy saving and carbon reduction than children in control group. (5) Children in the experimental group had significantly better post-tests scores than pre-test scores. (6) Children’s overall performance of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards energy saving and carbon reduction significantly improved. Thus, this study indicated that parent-child worksheets of energy education could help parent and children learn together and had positive effects on their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards energy saving and carbon reduction. Thus parent-child worksheets of energy education could be used to promote energy education. Further suggestions are provided to teachers, parents, and educational institutions.


賴文榮(2013)。以生態學角度論TFT LCD企業價值:以品牌策略為中心


