  • 學位論文

社區照顧關懷據點服務使用者滿意度與主觀生活品質之研究 -以南投縣為例

The research on Service Satisfaction and Subjective Quality of Life among the Users of Community Caring Centers in Nantou County

指導教授 : 蕭文高


由於少子化與人口老化因素,台灣每年人口老化速度遠高於新生兒的出生速度。內政部自2005年起,經由台灣健康社區六星計劃來推動「社區照顧關懷據點」,藉由社區志願組織提供初級預防照顧的工作。本研究期待透過問卷調查,了解接受社區照顧關懷據點之老人接受服務後,哪些因素會影響老人家接受服務之服務滿意度;服務滿意度與其主觀生活品質之間是否存在一定的關聯性;而哪些因素會影響服務滿意度與主觀生活品質亦是本研究所要探討之重點。 爰此,本研究之目的如下: 一、瞭解目前南投縣老人參與社區照顧關懷據點服務之現況。 二、探索社區照顧關懷據點服務使用者之服務滿意度及其影響因素。 三、瞭解社區照顧關懷據點服務使用者之服務滿意度與主觀生活品質間之關係。 四、探索社區照顧關懷據點服務使用者之主觀生活品質及其影響因素。 五、針對本研究之調查結果,提出具體建議予辦理社區照顧關懷據點之單位參考。 本研究以問卷調查方式,採叢集抽樣法,抽取405位居住在南投縣內的老人進行問卷調查,共回收有效問卷371份;透過獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元迴歸分析等方法進行統計檢定,發現如下: 一、社區照顧關懷據點服務使用者服務滿意度會受到服務使用者的前往方式、有無陪伴者前往以及自覺健康等因素影響,其中又以服務使用者前往社區照顧關懷據點的方式影響最大。 二、社區照顧關懷據點服務使用者其主觀生活品質影響因素: (一)「對據點服務的滿意度-服務品質」:有良好的服務品質,能使服務使用者之主觀生活品質大幅提升。 (二)「對據點服務的滿意度-認同感」:服務使用者對社區照顧關懷據點的認同感,亦能小幅提升服務使用者之主觀生活品質。 (三)「教育程度」:當服務使用者非為不識字,有看懂文字,其生活品質亦會獲得微幅提升。 (四)「服務時間」:服務時間越短者,效果越好,生活品質較高。 依據以上結論,本研究提出以下建議: 針對南投縣政府而言 (一) 鼓勵境內老人參與社區活動。 (二) 強化社區支持資源的建構,使老人可就近享有福利。 (三) 釋出閒置空間,協助單位取得服務據點 針對社區照顧關懷據點的建議 (一)加強宣導,以提升服務能量。 (二)提升老人與社會互動關係,發展有效的社會支持系統。 (三)配合重要節慶,舉辦活動,增強老人家庭互動


The annual population of Taiwan is aging faster than the newborn's birth rate owing to low birth rate and aging population factors . Ministry of Interior since 2005, promoting "community caring centers," organized by community volunteers provide care for primary prevention work. In this study, looking through a questionnaire survey to find acceptable community caring centers service users receiving services after the service satisfaction will be affected by what factors; whether there is a certain correlation between service satisfaction with their subjective quality of life. Thus , the purpose of this study are as follows: First, to understand the current status of Nantou County participating in community caring centers for the elderly services. Second, to explore the satisfaction of community caring centers service users and its influencing factors. Third, to understand the relationship between the satisfaction of community caring centers service users and subjective quality of life. Fourth, to explore the subjective quality of life and its influencing factors of community care service users. Fifth,Based on the findings of this study, provide specific recommendations for the section of handling community caring centers as references . In this study, questionnaire, mining cluster sampling method to extract 405 live in Nantou County community care service users questionnaires, 371 valid questionnaires were collected; through independent sample t-test, one way ANOVA , Pearson's correlation coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis and other methods of statistical test, found the following: First, the satisfaction of community caring centers service users will be influenced by the way users going, with or without accompanying jointly go and the impact of perceived health and other factors. Among them, the community care service users access the greatest impact on how they go to community caring centers. Second, the factors of subjective quality of life of community caring centers service users : (A) "For the satisfaction of community caring centers - Service Quality": a good quality of service, enabling service users' subjective quality of life dramatically. (B) "For the satisfaction of community caring centers - Assurance": The sense of assurance of service users from community caring centers , can also slightly improve the subjective quality of life of service users. (C) "Level of education": If the service users can read, their quality of life will also be slightly upgrade. (D) " Service time": The shorter service time users take, the better effect and higher quality of life they get. According to the above conclusions, the study recommends the following: For the purposes of Nantou County: (a) to encourage the elderly to participate in community activities in the territory. (b) strengthen the construction of community support resources, so that the elderly can conveniently enjoy benefits. (c) release unused space, assist units get community caring centers Recommendations for community care section: (a) strengthen advocacy to improve service energy. (b) to enhance the interaction between the elderly and society, the development of effective social support system. (c) holding activities with important festivals, enhance the interaction of elderly family.


蕭文高. (2013). 南投縣日間照顧中心老人生活品質影響因素之研究. 社會政策與社會工作學刊, 17(1), 89-130.
