  • 學位論文


Behavioral Intentions of Short Film Audiences and Relevant Influencing Factors

指導教授 : 周中理


微電影以原創性內容與短小精緻的檔案特性,成為現今網路閱聽者的一種新型娛樂方式。而由於微電影的低製作成本、低進入障礙與快速傳播特性,更吸引廣告商與行銷人員的投入,因此深入了解微電影閱聽者的行為意向與其影響因素,可有效設計出滿足閱聽者期望與需求的微電影行銷策略,以期能提升行銷之績效,此形成本研究之主要動機。過去研究中計畫行為理論(TPB)與科技接受模式(TAM)是有效預測與說明消費者行為意向的重要理論,本研究結合以上兩種理論,並融入社會影響觀點、個人創新特質論點,以及消費價值觀點,發展出整合性研究架構-微電影閱聽者行為意向與影響因素模式,並作為後續實證之依據,以能達成本研究之目的,包括探討微電影閱聽者的消費價值知覺對態度和行為意向的影響、社會影響對微電影閱聽者消費價值知覺和行為意向的影響,以及微電影閱聽者的創新特質對微電影消費價值知覺及其行為意向之影響。 本研究對象包括學生族群與非學生族群,資料分析則採敘述性統計、信度與效度分析,以及結構方程模式分析等方法。 主要實證結論包括,社會影響對微電影閱聽者創新特質、消費價值知覺與行為意向皆具顯著正向影響,其中對微電影閱聽者創新特質之影響效果較大,但是加入間接效果分析後,則對消費價值知覺具較大的影響總效果,此顯示透過創新特質的中介關係,社會影響對微電影消費價值知覺會有加成的影響效果。此外,微電影閱聽者的創新特質對其微電影的消費價值知覺與行為意向亦均存在顯著正向直接影響,並且再透過微電影消費價值知覺與態度等中介變項,間接影響行為意向,顯示經由微電影消費價值知覺與態度的中介關係,能提升微電影閱聽者的創新特質對行為意向的影響力。最後,微電影閱聽者的消費價值知覺對微電影的態度具有顯著直接正向影響,且微電影閱聽者的態度對行為意向亦存在顯著直接正向影響,顯示微電影閱聽者的消費價值知覺除直接影響其行為意向外,亦透過微電影態度的中介效果,進而影響行為意向。 本研究並依據以上之研究結果,提出以下實務意涵,本研究證實社會影響會經由直接與間接效果提升網路使用者對微電影的閱聽意向。因此,建議微電影製作業者應設法建立微電影閱聽群體的良好口碑,以能極大化微電影的傳播效果。此外,研究亦發現微電影閱聽者的創新特質也是影響微電影閱聽行為意向的重要因素之一,故微電影製作業者應設法掌握與分析閱聽者的創新特質差異,以建立差異化的微電影廣告策略,以期能吸引更多的閱聽者,提升微電影傳播效益。


With original content and miniature characteristics of computer files, short films have become a new method of entertainment for modern Internet audiences. Because of the low production costs, low-entry barriers, and rapid dissemination characteristics, short films are attractive investments for advertisers and marketing professionals. Thus, the purpose of this study was to obtain an in-depth understanding of the behavioral intentions of short film audiences and relevant influencing factors, which could be employed to effectively design short film marketing strategies that satisfy audience expectations and needs and improve marketing performance. Theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the technology acceptance model (TAM) are 2 important concepts that have effectively predicted and described consumer behavioral intentions in previous studies. This study combined TPB, the TAM, and perspectives of social influence, individual innovativeness, and consumer perceived value to develop an integrated research framework (i.e., a model of behavioral intentions of short film audiences and relevant influencing factors). This model was then used as a basis for subsequent empirical testing to achieve the objectives of this study: (a) exploring the consumer perceived value of short film audiences and its effect on audience attitudes and behavioral intentions; (b) the effects of social influence on consumer perceived value and behavioral intentions of short film audiences; and (c) the effects of the innovativeness in short film audiences on consumer perceived value and behavioral intentions. The subjects of this study included student and non-student groups. For data analysis, we used descriptive statistics, reliability and validity analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM). The primary empirical conclusions included the positive and significant effect of social influence on innovativeness, consumer perceived value, and behavioral intention. Of these, social influence had a greater effect on the innovativeness of short film audiences. However, indirect effect analysis indicated that social influence had a greater overall effect on consumer perceived value. This result indicated that social influence might have additive effects on the perceived value of short film consumers through the mediating effects of innovativeness. In addition, the innovativeness of short film audiences had a significant and direct positive effect on the perceived value and behavioral intentions of short film consumers, and an indirect effect on behavioral intentions through the mediating variables of the perceived value and attitude of short film consumers. The mediating relationship between the perceived value and attitude of short film consumers enhances the effect of audience innovativeness on behavioral intentions. Finally, the consumer perceived value of short film audiences had a significant and direct positive effect on attitude, and attitude had a significant and direct positive effect on behavioral intention. The results indicated that the consumer perceived value of short film audiences not only directly affected behavioral intentions, but also affected behavioral intentions through the mediating effects of attitude. Based on the empirical results, we propose the following practical implications. This study confirmed that social influence improved the audience behavior of Internet users toward short film through direct and indirect effects. Therefore, this study recommends that short film producers establish a favorable reputation with short film audiences to maximize the dissemination effect of short films. In addition, we discovered that the innovativeness of short film audiences is one of key factors influencing audience behavioral intentions toward short film. Thus, short film producers should understand and analyze different levels of audience innovativeness to establish differentiated microcinema advertising strategies, increase audiences, and improve the benefits of short film dissemination.


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