  • 學位論文


A Research on the Re-Evaluation of the Termination Indicator of Safety Networks for High-Risk Cases of Domestic Violence~as an Example of Taichung

指導教授 : 劉邦富


為維護家庭暴力被害人之人身安全,台灣自1998年6月24日推動家庭暴力防治法以來已超過十年,歷經數次在民間團體及朝野黨團不遺餘力的努力之下,整合各界意見,歷經長達5年的艱辛修法運動,終於在2006年開花結果,通過修法條文(高鳯仙,2011)。然而隨著社會變遷、經濟全球化影響,失業率攀升,家庭結構改變,家庭暴力事件似無減緩趨勢,反而逐年遞增。內政部為因應經濟不景氣及逐年上升之家庭暴力事件,自2009年起補助地方政府試辦「家庭暴力安全防護網」計畫,其主要目的乃期待透過社政、警政、衛生、教育、司法、勞政等跨網絡單位之合作與分工,建構完善綿密的防治網絡,以降低家庭暴力危害之發生(內政部,2009)。 研究者服務於台中市家庭暴力及性侵害防治中心,一年多以來執行辦理親密關係暴力「家庭暴力安全防護網」計畫,該項方案透過通報單位以「台灣親密關係暴力危險評估表」(TIPVDA)做為評估被害人之危險評估工具,檢測被害人受暴之危險程度,具高危險者提報於安全網高危機個案網絡會議,透過跨網絡專業人員共同評估討論被害人經資源介入後,依其危險程度現狀之高低評估是否繼續列管或解除列管,具高危險者仍予繼續列管,若經網絡資源進入使其危機降低,且經TIPVDA量表重測8分以下者,則予解除列管。然而,目前台灣推動「家庭暴力安全防護網」三年以來(含中央試辦一年、正式推動二年),高危機個案解除列管指標至今尚無較具體與一致性的模式,故本文立意選取台中市家庭暴力及性侵害防治中心2011年度3月-2012年度12月之高危機個案網絡會議,經會議決議解除列管之300個案及焦點團體,進行內容分析,進一步建構明確的解除高危機個案列管之一致性指標。


In order to protect the safety of the victims of Domestic Violence, Taiwan government has been promoting the Domestic Violence Act since June 24th, 1998 for over 10 years. Civil society groups and political parties have put in many efforts in revising the Act and integrating ideas coming from different groups several times. After 5 years difficult exercise of amending the law, it finally passed and established in 2006. However, with the changes in society, influence of economic globalization, higher unemployment, and changes of family structure, domestic violence cases have increased instead of decreased. As a way to cope with the economy downturn and increasing Domestic Violence, Ministry of the Interior has started to assist local government in promoting the Domestic Violence Safety Network program since 2009. The main purpose of such program is to gather all the networks and resources among social administration, police, public health, education, judicature and labor administration in order to build a complete Safety Network to prevent and lower the incident rate of Domestic Violence. The researcher has served in Taichung City Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center for more than one year, handling cases of close relationship violence and the Domestic Violence Safety Network program. The program use TIPVDA as a tool to evaluate the risk level of violence toward the victim. High-risk cases would be reported to Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference for different organizations’ professionals across this Safety Network to work and evaluate together. The professionals will then decide whether or not the victim should still be protected after all the resources given to him/her. The victim of high risk should continue to receive support and protection, but if the risk level is less than 8 TIPVDA points then the protection detail should stop. The Domestic Violence Safety Network program has been enacted by Taiwan government for three years (including one year of testing and two years of official promoting). However, it still lacks specific and identical indicators to determine when the protection detail of a high-risk case of domestic violence should be stopped. Therefore, this thesis will look into 300 high-risk cases from Taichung City Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center during March 2011 to December 2012, and analyze the content of these cases and come out with an identical method of when to stop the protection.




