  • 學位論文


The effects of object weight and placement on functional reach task for adults

指導教授 : 吳欣潔


重複性的人工取物裝箱作業是生產線常見的工作之一。拿取的工件重量過重或是位置不當,將容易造成上肢肌肉骨骼的不適。本研究目的在探討工件的重量與位置對於伸手取物的影響。受試者為十二位成年人(男女各半),平均年齡24歲(SD=1.0),在二十七種不同取物條件(三種工件重量*九種工件位置)下,收集其上肢肌電訊號(肱二頭肌、肱三頭肌、肱橈肌、旋前圓肌)及績效時間。實驗結果顯示,當工件重量愈重,會增加肱二頭肌及肱橈肌肌群負荷,且取回時間及動作時間會增加。當取物距離小於手長範圍時,左側之取物方向將使得肱二頭肌的生理成本之最小負荷;當取物距離大於手長範圍時,正前方的取物方向造成肱二頭肌、肱三頭肌的生理成本之最大負荷。當取物距離小於手長範圍時,取物方向不會影響活動時間;當取物距離等於及大於手長範圍時,會合併軀幹的動作,使得方向變化將會影響動作時間。 研究結果有助於簡單的伸手取物運動中,肌肉活動振幅的水平鑑定,為常見的伸手取物研究。並可應用於人工取物裝箱作業的工作設計改善特定的工作活動,如此將有助於避免職業傷害的發生。


The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the object weight and placement on the muscle activation during a reach to grasp movement in the sitting position. Twelve healthy volunteers were tested (6 men and 6 women). Surface EMGs were recorded for the triceps brachii, the biceps brachii, the brachoradialis and the pronator teres. The time of the performance was recorded for movement time. These muscles have been selected for their contribution to the cylindrical palmar prehension motion in the sagittal plane. Experimental combinations included 3 different object loads and 9 different placements. The EMG results showed that there was a significant load increase difference in both biceps brachii and brachoradialis when the object weight was greater. There was a significant load increase difference in both carrying time and movement time when the object weight was greater. There was a significant decrease in the load of biceps brachii when the placement was 80% arm length. It appears that the biceps brachii and brachoradialis muscle activation is greater when the distance was 120% arm length. The results contribute to the identification of the levels of muscle activation amplitude during a simple reach-to-grasp movement that is common in prehension research. We can apply these knowledge to the ergonomic-oriented instrument and working environment design. This will have a great help to reduce the incidence of work-related upper extremity injuries.


movement time upper limb EMG reach to grasp


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