  • 學位論文


The Study of Improvement in Process of Seatclamp Replacing Polish by Vibration.

指導教授 : 王敏


本技術報告是以J公司目前所推動的製程簡化來做為研究的主題。J公司為自行車零件製造商,目前推動的製程簡化主要是針對善製程天數較長及成本較高的產品進行流程之改善,所以本研究以J公司產品中的束仔做為製程改善之主題。 本報告首先介紹目前束仔的製造流程,以及磨砂跟震動的原理。分析發現磨砂與震動兩者之間有需多相同之處,所以探討以震動來取代磨砂製程,再利用實驗設計的方法,利用震動條件的設定來達到所需要的良品,再將改善後的結果展開到各產品。 本報告利用實驗設計法來求得影響震動條件的最佳水準,在實驗中震動頻率為控制因子,所以在實驗設中固定震動頻率,考慮藥水比例、石頭比例及震動時間為自變因子,每個自變因子分別設定3個水準,利用實驗設計應用應用軟體(Design Expert)設計7次實驗,並檢視實驗後的產品良率來決定影響震動因子的最佳自變因子水準。 本報告利用實驗設計法來探討利用震動取代磨砂的可行性,在過程中學習到如何利用實驗設計法在一連串的試驗中刻意改變製程參數值,以便觀察並找出影響製程輸出變數之因素來得到最佳參數,本報告也建議J公司可以將此結果可利用到各項產品。




This project aims to study the simplification in manufacturing processes in Company J. Company J is a manufacturer of bicycle parts. Recently, Company J plans to improve the manufacturing process on the parts with long processing time and high cost. This study aims to improve the manufacturing process of seatclamps. The current manufacturing process is first introduced in this report. The principles of polishing and vibration are then provided. Some similarities was found between polishing and vibration. Therefore, this study aims to find the possibility of replacing polishing by vibration in the manufacturing process of seatclamps. Using the method of Design of Experiment (DOE) to identify the import factors with the best levels of vibration to produce good-quality seatclamps without through the process of polishing. The methodology may extent to improve the manufacturing process of other products in Company J. In this study, the method of DOE is adopted to find the best level of factors that affect the quality of vibration on seatclamps. In the experiments, the vibration frequency is set to be a control factor. The ratio of solutions (AL10 vs. AL32), the ratio of tumbling media (cones vs. tetrahedron), and the length of vibration are considered as independent factors. Three levels are set for each independent factor. Seven experiments are performed based on the combination provided by the software application of Design Expert. The best level of each independent was obtained based on the results. The method of experiment design has been to study the possibility of replacing polishing by vibration in the manufacturing process of seatclamps, and to obtain the best levels of the important factors for setting the environment in vibration process. Same procedure can be used to find the best parameters in manufacturing process for other products in Company J.




2.久鼎金屬實業股份有限公司,久鼎TPM優秀賞概況書 (2012)。
1.Fisher, Ronald (1937). The Design of Experiments. Oliver and Boyd; Edinburg; London.
1.久鼎金屬實業股份有限公司,久鼎TPM優秀賞概況書 (2009)。
