  • 學位論文


Estimating The Effect of International Design Competition on Students’ Design Competence -Taking The Category of Packaging Design in The Discipline of Communication Design in The Red Dot Award as An Example

指導教授 : 黃裕哲


近年來台灣大學的設計學院設計能力屢獲國際知名設計獎項的肯定,加上現今面臨少子化因素,台灣教育機構公私立高中職學校招生面臨極大的考驗,藉由研究國際設計獲獎得主以及學校價值效益,進而研究參與國際競賽獲獎是否能為學校帶來競爭力的提升,將有助於招生宣傳的一項重要指標,而目前學生的設計能力程度是否足以參加國際競賽以及紅點設計大獎獲獎因素為何,以及參賽獲獎過程對其設計能力的影響也都是相當值得探討的議題。 因此本研究主要目的為:1)探討學生設計能力的組成,2)擬出紅點設計大獎獲獎成功之因素,3)探索設計獎項對學生獲獎表現與學校之效益價值。首先根據文獻探討設計獎項及學生設計能力要素,並彙整出紅點設計獲獎獎項成功因素,其次透過問卷調查方式,探討設計群科學生的設計能力理解程度;運用焦點訪談探討參與國際競賽獲獎對於學校與學生的效益價值。 最後研究主要發現:1)學生設計能力發現學生對於設計基本能力學習科目,皆落在中上的學習程度,尤其是多媒體設計科的學生在電腦繪圖及數位影像處理方面更為明顯,為適合參與國際設計的競賽的科系學生;2)紅點設計大獎獲獎成功因素,作品色彩多以暖色系為主;而訪談研究發現,參與國際設計競賽的設計走向,要以創新結合在地傳統文化特色為主;3)參與設計競賽學生能提升自我設計能力的成長,運用學生參與競賽獲獎績效是明顯可以提升學生入學就讀的選擇,以供學校和設計群科的教學策略作為參考。 關鍵詞:紅點設計大獎、設計能力、獲獎效益價值、獲獎因素


In recent years, the design university of Taiwan University has won the recognition of internationally acclaimed design awards. In addition, it is a great challenge to enroll in public and private high school vocational schools in Taiwan, and by studying the award of international design award and school value Benefits, and then to study whether the participation of international competition in the competition for the competitiveness of the school to enhance, will contribute to the recruitment of an important indicator, and the current degree of design ability is enough to participate in international competitions and red dot design award winning factors Why, and the impact of the winning process on their design capabilities are also quite worthy of discussion. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is as follows: 1) to explore the composition of students 'design ability, 2) to develop the red dot design award winning success factor, 3) to explore the design award for students' performance and school value. First of all, according to the literature to explore the design awards and student design ability elements, and compiled a red dot design award winning success factors, followed by a questionnaire survey to explore the design group of students to understand the degree of design ability; use of focus interviews to participate in international competitions Award for schools with the student's benefit value. Finally, the main findings: 1) students design ability to find students in the design of basic ability to study subjects, have a good degree of study, especially the multimedia design students in computer graphics and digital image processing is more obvious, for the participation in international design 2) red dot design award winning success factors, the color of the works mostly to warm color-based; and interview study found that participation in the design of international design competition to innovation in the traditional cultural characteristics of the main ; 3) Participate in the design competition Students can improve the self-design ability of the growth, the use of students to participate in the competition Award performance is clearly able to improve the choice of students admission for school and design group teaching strategies as a reference. Keywords: reddot design award, design ability, award benefit value, winning factor.


6. 謝榮雅(2016),四大國際設計獎,
一、 書籍
1. 王受之著(1997),《世界現代設計》,藝術家出版,臺北市。
2. 王宗興著(2012),《造型原理》,台科大出版,臺北市。
3. 佐口七朗著(1991),《設計概論》,藝風堂出版,臺北市。
