  • 學位論文


Architectural Elements in Cultural Creative Product Design-A Case Study of Historic Buildings in Central District of Taichung City

指導教授 : 蕭明瑜


臺灣從2002年行政院之《挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫》中的子計畫「發展文化創意產業計畫」 中確定了文化創意產業的詞彙,並將其視為國家發展的重點項目,至今的十多年來許多人找尋了各種文化資本並嘗試以不同的設計手法將其再現為文創產品。在符號學的理論中提到一個符號包含了表徵-客體-詮釋三者,因此以符號學理論為基礎建構設計方法,則是能夠清楚的說明文化(客體)與設計(表徵)間的關係,作為本文文創產品設計的使用方法。 臺灣曾先後經歷過不同的殖民政權,經歷過西班牙、荷蘭殖民統治時期,雖有留下當時所興建的建築,但日治時期才是真正大量引入西方建築的階段。日人在明治維新時期大量效仿西方文化,並在獲取第一個殖民地-臺灣時將其大量引進臺灣,配合日人在臺灣的都市計劃,形塑出現在所見的城市建築語彙之初始架構。 本研究創作將以建築元素應用於產品設計為探討基礎,首先將具有建築元素應用至產品設計手法之案例作為初步分析基礎,歸納其應用手法並延伸至後續設計執行。其次以皮爾斯符號三角形理論及文化基因為基礎,建立更具體之創作方法與流程,分為客體對象、文化基因分析、元素轉換與應用等三階段執行,以臺中日治時期歷史建築為文化資本,應用此流程設計出兩件概念產品,藉此探討建築元素應用至文創產品設計之可能性,期望從文化創意產品的角度切入,將建築文化文本轉化為「可帶走」的文化創意產品與文化記憶。


Taiwan has identified the vocabulary of cultural and creative industries from the sub program "Development of Cultural and Creative Industries" in the "Challenge 2008: National Development Key Program" of the Executive Yuan in 2002 and sees it as a key project for national development. Over the past more than 10 years, many people have looked for various cultural capital and tried to reproduces it as a product by different design methods. In the semiotics theory, it is mentioned that a symbol contains the representation, object and annotation. Therefore, it is clear that the relationship between culture and design can be clearly illustrated by constructing the design method based on semiotic theory, so this study will be based on semiotic theory, as a method of cultural and creative product design. Taiwan has experienced different colonial regimes, such as the Spanish, Dutch and Japanese colonial period, the period of Japanese rule was the stage of the real massive introduction of Western architecture although there were also construction during the period of under Spanish and Dutch rule. In the Meiji Restoration period, the Japanese massively imitate Western culture and introduced Western culture to Taiwan in the reign of Taiwan, with the Japanese city planning in Taiwan, the city's architectural vocabulary began to be shaped. This study will explore architectural elements used in product design. First, with the analysis of the product design case that has architectural elements , summed up its application and extended to follow-up design and implementation, then based on Pierce's symbolic triangular theory and culture gene, to establishes more specific creative methods and processes. It is divided into three steps: object, cultural gene analysis, element conversion and application. then uses the process to design two kinds of concept products to discusses the possibility of Architectural Elements in Cultural Creative Product Design. Expect that the architectural culture text will be transformed into "removable" cultural and creative products and cultural memories.


蕭明瑜,2000 年12 月,"產品符號學與解構理論",《朝陽設計學報》第一期,朝陽科技大學出版,p.73~82。
Roland Barthes 著,許薔薔、許綺玲譯,1998,《神話學》,桂冠圖書,臺北。
