  • 學位論文


To Study The Effects of Gallium, Indium and Molybdenum In Irrigation Water on Crops and Health Risk Assessment

指導教授 : 張簡水紋


光電產業及半導體產業為台灣重要產業,而重金屬鎵(Ga)、銦(In)及鉬(Mo)為光電業獨特使用之物質,因此台灣環保署於2010年增訂Ga、In及Mo三項新興產業特殊重金屬之管制。台灣目前針對Ga、In及Mo於作物及攝食風險研究較少,若相關產業藉由製程清洗流入附近農田中,可能使土壤含過量之重金屬而造成作物毒害,若被作物吸收累積於作物體內,重金屬可能透過食物鏈而影響人類食用之健康風險。 因此,本試驗利用添加Ga、In、Mo於灌溉水中進行青江菜栽培灌溉試驗,試驗期間量測作物株高並比較兩次盆栽試驗濃度3.00、6.00、9.00 mg L-1與15.0、30.0、45.0 mg L-1及不同pH為 4、7及9對作物生長之影響並計算健康風險。結果顯示中性土壤較不易作物吸收Ga、In及Mo,且In與Mo組合具競爭性促進作物吸收Mo,而Ga與In組則促進作物對Ga之吸收卻不利In吸收,並且發現Ga與In之主要儲存區位於作物根部,而Mo具移動性於根、莖及葉中皆有含量,並以低濃度(3.00 mg L -1)計算健康風險,Mo之危害指數(HI)皆大於1尤其為酸性(pH 4)環境時,而Ga與In於中性(pH 7)時HI數值偏高,但台灣蔬菜栽培區多集中於pH為中性和微鹼性地區,因此不易食入高濃度Mo,但此一濃度下(3.00 mg L -1)仍需注意Ga與In之釋出情形,且整體而言作物對三者之吸收效果為Mo > In > Ga。


pH 青江菜 健康風險評估


Heavy metals of Gallium (Ga), indium (In) and molybdenum (Mo) are the unique substances used in the optoelectronics industry. Therefore, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency (EPD) has updated the three major emerging industries special heavy metal control of Ga, In and Mo in 2010. There are few studies on the crop and feeding risk in Ga, In and Mo. If the relevant industry is rinsed into the nearby farmland by the process, it may cause the soil to contain excessive heavy metal and cause the crop to be poisoned. If the crop is absorbed and accumulated in the crop, heavy metals may affect the health risks of human consumption through the food chain. Therefore, the experiment was adding Ga, In and Mo into irrigation water. During the experiment was measure the plant height and compare the two pot experiments concentration of 3.00, 6.00, 9.00 mg L-1 and 15.0, 30.0 and 45.0 mg L -1 and different pH (4,7,9) on crop growth and calculate the health risk. The results showed that the neutral soil could not absorb Ga, In and Mo, and the combination of In and Mo could promote the uptake of Mo, and combination of Ga and In were promoted the absorption of Ga. And found that the main storage area of Ga and In are located in the root of the crop, and Mo mobility is high, in roots, stems and leaves are contained in a higher content. The health risk was calculated at low concentration (3.00 mg L-1), and the Hazard Index (HI) of Mo is greater than 1, especially in the acidic (pH 4) environment, and Ga and In in the neutral (pH 7) the HI is higher, but the Taiwan vegetable cultivation area and more concentrated in the neutral and slightly alkaline areas, so ingestion of Mo concentration is not high, but this concentration (3.00 mg L -1) still need to pay attention to the release of Ga and In. And the overall crop of the three absorption the effect is Mo> In> Ga.


Gallium Indium Molybdenum pH Bok choy Health risk assessment


44.Baars, A. J.,“Re-evaluation of human-toxicological maximum permissible risk levels. RIVM report no. 711701025,” National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands., pp. 75-77(2001).
