  • 學位論文


Discussion of Soil Fertility and Quality of Mailiao and Taixi Area

指導教授 : 張簡水紋


雲林縣沿海地區麥寮鄉、台西鄉地處於風頭水尾的地理位置,東北季風強勁且夾帶鹽分,以致種植作物不易生長。近年來發現,麥寮及台西土壤正面臨鹼性偏鹽化狀況,長期的超抽地下水已使台灣西南沿海地區地層下陷,也因農作物的耕作方式漸趨改變,農民為了增加單位面積之作物產量,長久施用大量化學肥料,且以噴灑農藥來抵抗環境災害所面臨的病蟲害,不僅讓農田的土壤品質下降,且易造成生態環境的失衡。 因此本研究針對雲林縣麥寮鄉露天88戶、溫室33戶及台西鄉露天23戶、溫室11戶之農田土壤肥力與品質狀況作為探討。根據近三年的土壤肥力及重金屬數據顯示,pH值範圍落在7.02至8.34間,土壤pH值呈現偏弱鹼性;土壤飽和抽出液之導電度(ECs)露天平均低於2 mS cm-1、溫室平均高於2 mS cm-1,呈現偏微鹼土;土壤中總有機態碳含量逐年提升及總氮量逐年下降之趨勢,交換性鈣、鎂、鉀、鈉及有效性磷亦逐年下降,尤其土壤中交換性鈣、鉀含量降低至適量標準,交換性鎂及有效性磷含量仍屬過量等級,建議應適土壤肥力及當期栽種作物提供適量之營養元素,以利作物有效吸收營養元素。當地土壤重金屬含量低於土壤監測標準值,屬於安全農耕用地。 透過每年的土壤監測分析了解每塊農田的土壤品質,以科學化的管理方式,提供相關作物適栽性的建議,並搭配合理化施肥,以降低土壤破壞,延續土壤與生物間的平衡。


Yunlin County coastal areas Mailiao Township and Taixi Township in the climate and farming of the tough geographical location. The strong northeast monsoon moreover entrain salt, so that crops are not easy to grow. In recent years, soil is facing alkaline salt status, because long-term over-pumping of groundwater has caused coastal areas land subsidence in the southwestern of Taiwan. But also because of the change of crop cultivation methods, farmers in order to increase the yield per unit area of crops, long-term use of a large number of chemical fertilizers, and spraying pesticides to resist environmental disasters pests and diseases, not only to farmland soil quality decline, and easy to cause ecological Environmental imbalance. Therefore, this study is directed at discussing the soil fertility and quality of farmland of 88 households in Mailiao outdoor, 33 households in Mailiao greenhouse and 23 households in Taixi outdoor, 11 households in Taixi greenhouse. According to the last three years of soil fertility and heavy metal data show, pH value range of 7.02 to 8.34, show weak alkaline; outdoor average ECs less than 2 mS cm-1, then greenhouse average ECs higher than 2 mS cm-1, show micro-alkaline soil. The total organic carbon (TOC) content increased year by year, the total nitrogen (TN) content decreased year by year, exchangeable calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and available phosphorus also decreased year by year. Especially in the soil exchangeable calcium, potassium content reduced to the appropriate standard, exchangeable magnesium and available phosphorus content is still an excessive level. It is recommended that soil fertility should be provided and the appropriate amount of nutrients should be provided in the current crop to facilitate the effective absorption of nutrients. The content of heavy metals in the soil is lower than the standard of soil monitoring, which belongs to safe agricultural land. Through the annual soil monitoring and analysis to understand the soil quality of each farmland, with scientific management, to provide relevant crops suitable for planting recommendations, and with rational fertilization to reduce soil damage, the continuation of soil and biological balance.


