  • 學位論文


The Market Segment of E-commerce by Using the Data Analysis of Big Data

指導教授 : 王淑卿


近年來隨著各式各樣不同應用之商業活動的活躍,以致多元化的資料迅速增長,產生大量化的資料量。且因各類應用的多元化,使得所產生的資料具有半結構化或非結構化等多樣化的特性,所以造成大數據(Big Data)的流行。而大數據之所以可以這麼流行,是因為它可以從一堆看似無用或難以分類觀察的大量資料中,透過相關的技術擷取出有價值的資料,並讓其具有新的用途。 電子商務相較於傳統行銷最大的不同在於可以更加方便的取得顧客的資料與交易紀錄,並透過分析幫助企業做出更好的行銷方案。由於在電子商務的經營中將獲得大量的資料,因此如何應用大數據的資料分析技術為企業創造利潤,是本研究的目的。為了獲得消費者所想要的銷售資訊,則可以透過市場區隔(Market Segmentation)後分析來達成。因此,本研究使用RFM(Recency、Frequency、Monetary)資料分析技術,將眾多顧客分為「熱門顧客」、「一般顧客」、及「冷門顧客」。 對於「熱門顧客」和「一般顧客」,本研究使用K-mean資料分群演算法將龐大的顧客資料進行分群,最後再以貝氏機率分類演算法進行顧客分類,得以幫助企業找出合適的行銷方式。而針對「冷門顧客」,本研究則使用改良後的鏈結式布隆過濾器(Linked based Bloom Filter;LBF)進行不活躍資料的儲存與後續擷取以便企業進行後續的使用。因此,本研究以大數據的資料分析應用在電子商務之市場區隔,除了可以提供企業在行銷中的相關資訊外,並且能使企業得以找出合適的行銷手法,同時也促使企業在有限的資源下,可以將行銷的效果達到最好的宣傳效果或激勵顧客的購買意願。


In recent years, with a wide range of different applications of commercial activities, so that the rapid growth of diversified information, resulting in a large amount of data. Due to the diversification of various applications, there are a lot of semi-structured or unstructured data are generated, so big data is popular. The big data can be so popular because it can be from a bunch of seemingly useless or difficult to classify a large number of data, through the relevant technology to capture valuable information, and let it have a new purpose. The biggest difference between e-commerce and traditional marketing is that can easier to get customer data and transaction records and help companies make better marketing solutions. As the e-commerce business will get a lot of data, so how to use the analysis technology of big data for enterprises to create profits is the purpose of this study. Through the market segmentation analysis, the requirements of consumer can be gotten. Therefore, RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) data analysis technology is used in this study. And, the customers will be divided into "popular customers", "general customers", and "useless customers." In this study, for the "popular customers" and "general customers", the K-mean data clustering algorithm is used to group the big data of customers. Finally, the Bayesian probability classification algorithm is used to classify the customers to help the enterprise find the appropriate marketing method. For the "useless customers", the modified Linked Bloom Filter (LBF) is used for inactive data storage and subsequent capture for subsequent use by the company. Therefore, in this study, the data analysis of big data is used in the e-commerce market segment. The related business information in the marketing can be provided, and enable enterprises to find the right marketing practices. To enable enterprises in the limited resources, the marketing effect can be the best promotional effect or encourage customers to buy the will.


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