  • 學位論文


The Effects of Gender Stereotype on Male Preschool Educators

指導教授 : 李宜娟


人們對於不同性別該從事的行業常有根深蒂固的性別刻板印象。 在台灣幼兒教育領域,一直以來是以女性教師居多,僅有非常少數的男性參與其中。國內針對男性幼教老師的相關研究並不多見,民國八十九年以後,陸陸續續有研究者開始以男性幼教師為研究對象進行各種研究,但仍有許多可探討之議題。   本研究以六位在職的男性教保服務人員為研究對象。研究者採用質性研究方法,透過半結構式訪談來蒐集資料,來探討男性教育工作者在職場上的心路歷程,以瞭解刻板印象對於男性教保服務人員在求職、工作與人際關係之影響,並歸納出男性教保服務人員可能的優勢與劣勢,提供自己以及其他關心此議題的相關人士做為參考。本研究結果分析如下: 在求職方面,男性教保服務人員確實會受到性別所帶來的框架,讓求職的路途不順遂,但亦是有備受青睞的一面。在工作方面,社會對於男性教保服務人員的期待與擔憂確實存在,但亦是有不同的正面回應以及看法。 在人際關係方面,可分為親師關係、同儕關係、師生關係三種面向;男性教保服務人員在人際關係的建立上,確實會受到許多外在因素以及性別刻板印象,但是透過長時間的相處以及努力,是可以破除社會對於男性的性別刻板印象以及偏見,進而的成為互相扶持的友伴關係。 在優勢與劣勢方面,則透過男性教保服務人員在求職、工作、人際關係等三部分歸納出在職場上的優勢、劣勢以及迷思。 本研究發現,性別刻板印象確實是存在的,在進入職場初期難免會遇到社會期待所帶來的性別差異,但只要秉持教師的專業,後期透過良好的人際互動與經營關係,仍可以破除性別刻板印象。 最後根據研究結論,針對機構單位、男性教保服務人員、家長與未來研究等方面提出相關建議以供後續研究做參考。 關鍵字:教保服務人員、性別刻板印象、人際關係


The Effects of Gender Stereotype on Male Preschool Educators Abstract People usually have their stereotypes to different genders. In the early childhood education of Taiwan, it has been a long time that the number of the female preschool teachers is more than the number of the male ones. The studies focusing on the male preschool teachers are also rare in Taiwan. Some researchers have investigated several studies on the male preschool teachers since 2000, but there is still a lot of issues can be discussed. The participants of the current study were six in-service male preschool educators. The researcher used semi-structured interview as the qualitative data to discuss the workplace mentality of the male preschool educators and to understand how stereotypes affected the male preschool educators’ jobs, job-seeking processes, and their interpersonal relationships. To provide more references, the researcher concluded the strength and the weakness of being the male preschool educators. The results of the current study are covered as follows: In the seeking job aspect, the male preschool educators indeed encountered some difficulties because of their gender. However, their gender characteristics made them win the favors of some kindergarten employers. In the aspect of jobs, society expects and worries about the male preschool educators in this field. Even so, there are many different opinions give them positive feedbacks. The aspect of interpersonal relationship included three: parent-teacher, peer-peer, and teacher-student relationship. It was hard to the male preschool educators to develop their interpersonal relationships because of gender stereotypes and other factors. Nevertheless, it could get rid of gender stereotypes and prejudices after getting along and making great efforts for a long time. And then it might become a mutual support relationship for each other. Next, the researcher concluded the aspect of the strength, weakness, and myths from the aspects of jobs, job seeking processes, and interpersonal relationships. The current study found that the gender stereotypes indeed existed. It is hard to avoid that the male preschool educators encounter gender differences from the expectations of society when they get in a new workplace. However, the gender stereotypes could be broken by keeping preschool teacher profession and good interpersonal interactions. Finally, according to the abovementioned conclusion, the suggestions for the institutional units, male preschool educators, parents, and the further research are provided in the study. Key word:preschool educator, gender stereotype, interpersonal relationship


