  • 學位論文


Development and Transformation of a Private Preschool

指導教授 : 孫扶志


本研究以質性取向之個案研究法,瞭解彰化一所私立幼兒園創立之理念、背景、歷程,並探討其在近30年的經營過程中,如何以策略應變法規更迭時遇到的困難,以及在教保模式上的堅持、困境與轉變。研究者透過訪談園長、三位資深教師之逐字稿,省思札記和相關檔案等多元資料,進行分析與歸納,研究結果發現如下: 壹、茶茶幼兒園的創園與發展 王園長期望打造一個能讓孩子接受良好教育的學習環境,在1988年蓬勃發展的幼教環境中成立茶茶幼兒園。其發展歷程主要有兩個方向: 一、穩定幼兒園組織運作:首先依法置辦校舍設備立案,並應聘合格教職員工,持續帶領教師學習、進修,建立團隊組織的概念。 二、擴展規模並提升品質:有效利用空餘教室擴展經營規模,成立家長委員會推廣親職教育。   貳、面對政策時的困境與應變 王園長為理想而辦學,始終維持守法的作風。遇到與政策相關的困境:「與未立案園所的競爭」及「幼兒托育及教育整合政策」時,茶茶幼兒園的應變策略分別為: 一、與未立案園所的競爭:加入「彰化縣幼稚教育事業學會」,響應1998年由中華民國幼教聯合會推動的「一O一八為幼兒教育而走」活動,爭取全國發放幼兒教育券,並與彰化市30餘間合法幼托園所舉辦聯合招生優惠活動。 二、幼兒托育及教育整合政策:幼兒園不可附設托嬰中心,便申請轉為專辦;核定建物空間減少,核定2~6歲總招收人數下降,便調整師生比為1:15;行政業務增加,幼兒園全體團隊便支援行政工作。 參、對教保模式的堅持與改變 茶茶幼兒園經營期間曾選擇了單元教學、蒙特梭利教學法、藝術教育結合主題課程、主題課程等四種教保模式,各課程模式時的困境與做出的改變為: 一、單元教學(1988-1998) (一)困境:缺乏統整、連貫性低,不以幼兒為學習的主體。 (二)應變:以蒙特梭利教育理念提升教師幼教觀念,並成立蒙氏班。 二、蒙特梭利教學法(1989-1998) (一)困境:理論基礎匱乏,難以解釋教室現場的矛盾問題。 (二)應變:尋找蒙特梭利專業書籍、反思討論,同時積極接觸其他幼教新知。 三、藝術教育結合主題課程(1999-2004) (一)困境:藝術教師流動率高、經營成本高。 (二)應變:中止藝術教育班,不聘請專任藝術教師,由幼兒教師在主題課程發展中結合藝術活動。 四、主題課程(1999-迄今) (一)困境:缺乏主題課程概念,課程品質不足。 (二)應變:建立評量概念,製作幼兒學習檔案;參與新課綱實驗合作園所,提升課程規劃能力。 本研究亦根據上述研究發現,分別針對幼教機構、教育主管機關及後續研究提出相關建議。


發展 幼兒園園長 幼兒園 蛻變


This study examines the founding mission, background, and development process of a private preschool in Changhua County, Taiwan, using qualitative methods and a case study. The study also explores the difficulties encountered when strategically responding to policy changes during the school’s nearly 30 years of operation, in addition to the persistence of, challenges faced by, and transformations of its teaching model. The researchers analyzed and summarized the interview transcripts and reflection notes of the principal and three senior teachers, in addition to other relevant information. The results are presented below: 1. Founding and development of the preschool The principal hoped to create a learning environment that would allow children to receive a good education and established the preschool in 1988, a time when preschools were flourishing. There were two major steps in its development process: i. Stabilization of preschool operations: The preschool facility was registered in accordance with the law. Qualified teachers were hired and continuously guided to study and reinforce the concept of team organization. ii. Scale expansion and quality enhancement: Spare classrooms were effectively used to expand the scale of operations, and a parents’ committee was established to promote parenting education. 2. Predicaments and responses in the face of policy-related situations The principal runs the school according to certain ideals and maintains a law-abiding management style. When the preschool encountered policy-related situations, such as “competition with unregistered institutions” and “implementation of childcare and education integration policy,” the strategic responses of the preschool were as follows: i. Competition with unregistered institutions: (a) To join the Changhua County Early Childhood Education Association and participate in the “1018 Movement for Early Childhood Education,” a movement initiated by the Early Childhood Education Association of the Republic of China in 1998 to campaign for the national issue of early childhood education vouchers, and (b) to organize a joint admissions offer scheme with over 30 authorized childcare institutions in Changhua City. ii. Implementation of a childcare and education integration policy: To apply for specialization as a preschool, it is not permitted to have an associated nursery. The school’s response was to adjust the teacher-student ratio to 1:15; thus, the approved premises size and the approved number of children for admissions aged 2–6 both decreased; the preschool then engaged the whole preschool team in supporting its administrative function as its volume of work increased. 3. Persistence and transformations of the teaching model During its operation, the preschool has adopted four teaching models, namely modular teaching, the Montessori teaching method, thematic courses combining art and education, and other thematic courses. The difficulties and responses under each model were as follows: i. Modular teaching (1988–1998) (1) Difficulties: There was a lack of comprehensiveness and continuity and a failure to establish the child as the center of learning (2) Responses: The teachers’ notions of early childhood education were enhanced by using the Montessori teaching method, and Montessori classes were established. ii. The Montessori teaching method (1989–1998) (1) Difficulties: There was no theoretical basis, and the method did not address in-classroom conflicts. (2) Responses: Professional Montessori books were obtained and reflections and discussions were conducted, while actively getting in touch with new knowledge in the field of early childhood education. iii. Thematic courses combining art and education (1999–2004) (1) Difficulties: High turnover rate of art teachers, and high operating cost (2) Responses: Art education classes were terminated, and no specialized art teacher was employed. Art activities were integrated in the thematic course development by the teachers instead. iv. Thematic courses (1999–present) (1) Difficulty: Lack of the concept of the theme course and low quality of courses. (2) Responses: Initiated teacher assessment and produced child-learning files and co-operated with other institutions in new curriculum experiments to enhance course-planning ability. Based on the above research findings, the researchers propose the following suggestions for early childhood education institutions, educational authorities and follow-up research.


吳樎椒、張宇樑(2009)。幼稚園教師對主題統整課程的知覺研究。教育研究學報,43, 81-105。
幼兒教育及照顧法(2011年06 月 29日)。
