  • 學位論文

兼具酪胺酸酶抑制力及抗氧化力 中藥材之篩選

Preliminary screening of Chinese herbal medicine with tyrosinase inhibitory activity and antioxidant properties

指導教授 : 李綉鈴


因應天然美白及抗氧化成份需求日增,本研究刺五加等六十種中藥材之熱水萃取物中,篩選具有抑制酪胺酸酶活性及抗氧化功能之中藥材。結果發現,五倍子、丹皮、銀杏、川芎、遠志、肉桂、刺五加、荷葉、黃柏、川紅花、大黃、金櫻子、黃芩與葛根等14種中藥熱水萃取物具有70% 以上酪胺酸酶活性抑制,而枇杷葉則對酪胺酸酶活性無抑制效果。高酪胺酸酶抑制活性之14種中藥材熱水萃取物中,以五倍子、金櫻子、大黃、荷葉、黃柏與刺五加之DPPH‧自由基清除率為最佳,其IC50介於0.15~0.66 mg/ml。共軛雙烯測定抗氧化性質時,五倍子具有最佳的抗氧化力,其次為刺五加、金櫻子、大黃、黃柏與荷葉。還原力之測試時,以維生素C及BHA當作對照標準品,五倍子之還原力為最佳,約分別為同濃度BHA及維生素C的1.6倍及2.3倍,其次是金櫻子、大黃、荷葉、刺五加與黃柏。而金櫻子、大黃、荷葉、刺五加與黃柏的中藥熱水萃取物之還原力則隨著濃度增加而增加。吾人測定刺五加等14種中藥熱水萃取物之總酚含量,發現以五倍子、金櫻子、大黃、荷葉、刺五加與黃柏之總酚含量較高,每克的中藥熱水萃取物中,分別相當於含有846、586、375、220、124與102毫克的沒食子酸含量。經由本實驗篩選出兼具酪胺酸酶抑制力及抗氧化力之中藥材,分別為五倍子、金櫻子、大黃、荷葉、刺五加與黃柏。


酪胺酸酶 抗氧化 中藥


Abstract With the increasing demand of natural whitening and antioxidant ingredient, preliminary screening of hot water extracts from sixty Chinese herbal medicines with tyrosinase inhibitory activity and antioxidant properties was conducted in this study. The results showed that 14 out of 60 Chinese herbal medicines, including Rhus chinensis, Paeonia suffruticosa, Ginkgo biloba, Ligustium Wallichii, Polygala tenuifolia , Cinnamomum cassia , Acanthopanax gracilistylus , Nelumbo nucifera, Baphicacanthes cusia, Carthamus tinctorius, Rheum tanguticum , Rose taiwanensis , Scutellaria baicalensis and Pueraria Pseuo-hirsut , exhibited more than 70% of tyrosinase inhibitory activity. On the other hand, no inhibitory tyrosinase activity was found in Eriobotrya japonica. Among fourteen Chinese herbal medicines with higher inhibition activity of tyrosinase, R. chinensis, R. laevigata, R. tanguticum, N. nucifera, B. cusia and A. gracilistylus showed higher DPPH radical scavenging activity.The IC50 of DPPH radical scavenging activity ranged from 0.15 to 0.66 mg/ml. The higher antioxidant activity determined by conjugated diene method was shown by R. chinensis, followed by A.gracilistylus, R. laevigata, R. tanguticum, B. cusia and N. nucifera was meanwhile,the strongest reducing power was also shown by R. chinensis, followed by R. laevigata, R. tanguticum, N.nucifera, A. gracilistylus and B.cusia. The reducing power of R. chinensis, was 1.6 times that of BHA and 2.3 times that of Vitamin C. Reducing power increased with increasing concentration of hot water extract of R. laevigata, R. tanguticum, A.gracilistylus and B. cusia. The higher amounts of total phenolics were noted in R. chinensis, R. laevigata, R. tanguticum, N. nucifera, A. gracilistylus and B. cusia. Among fourteen tested Chinese herbal medicines, 846,586,375,220,124 and 102 mg of gallic acid equivalent per gm dry weight of hot water extract were obtained in R. chinensis, R. laevigata, R. tanguticum, N. nucifera, A. gracilistylus and B. cusia, respectively, In conclusion, six Chinese herbal medicines with higher tyrosinase inhibitory activity and antioxidant properties including R. chinensis, R.laevigata, R. tanguticum, N.nucifera, A. gracilistylus and B. cusia, was obtained.


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