  • 學位論文


Biochemical changes and the flavor components analysis during the fermentation of rice vinegar and red yeast rice vinegar

指導教授 : 李綉鈴


摘要 本研究探討米醋及米醋釀造過程中之製麴、酒精發酵、醋酸發酵及熟成等各階段之生化變化並對米醋及紅麴米醋之香氣成分加以分析。 結果顯示,Monascus ruber BCRC 31535接種於在米飯上,培養10天可獲得紅麴,其monacolin k含量為45.3 mg/kg dry weight。製麴過程中,添加紅麴均會降低米麴之α-amylase酵素活性,於酒精發酵過程中,米酒醪及紅麴酒醪中還原糖含量隨發酵時間增加而減少並伴隨酒精之逐漸生成,於5天後二者之酒精濃度均約達到10 %,紅麴酒中紅色素含量亦隨發酵時間增加而提高,米酒醪中之色素含量則是很低。紅麴酒醪中則無monacolin k之測得。米醋及紅麴醋醋酸於發酵過程中,Acetobacter aceti BCRC12325會消耗酒精產生醋酸,二者最終醋酸含量均約4.7 %。紅麴醋之色素含量則呈現些許下降,米醋與紅麴醋之香氣成分組成相似,共鑑定出種24香氣化合物,包括醇類化合物7種;酯類化合物7種;酸類化合物6種;醛類化合物2種;酮類化合物2種。 米醋與紅麴醋之香氣成分分析發現2,3-butanediol之含量最高,2-phenylethanol次之。於醋酸發酵終了 (48 hr),多數的香氣成分之含量多有增減,尤以2,3-butanediol含量會顯著增加,而於醋熟成2個月後,大多數之香氣成分含量均呈下降。


Abstract In this study, rice vinegars and red yeast rice vinegars were prepared. The biochemical changes of rice vinegars and red yeast rice vinegars during koji-making, alcohol fermentation, acetic acid fermentation and aging periods were under investigation. Meanwhile, aromatic volatiles of rice vinegars and red yeast rice vinegars were also identified and quantified. The results revealed that red yeast rice could be obtained after culturing Monascus ruber BCRC31535 on rice for 10 d. The content of monacolin k increased to 45.3 mg/kg dry wt. Addition of red yeast rice to rice koji decreased the α-amylase activity of rice koji. During alcohol fermentation of rice moromi and red yeast rice moromi, the amount of reducing sugar decreased and the amount of alcohol increased with increasing time. The concentration of ethanol in rice moromi and red yeast rice moromi increased to 10% after 5 d of alcohol fermentation. The content of red pigment in red yeast rice moromi also increased. However, the content of red pigment content in rice moromi was much lower. The concentration of monacolin k in red yeast rice moromi was below detection limit. During acetic acid fermentation of rice wine by Acetobacter aceti BCRC 12325, the concentration of ethanol decreased and acetic acid formed. The final concentration of acetic acid of rice vinegar and red yeast rice vinegar was 4.7% and the content of red pigment in red yeast rice vinegar slightly decreased at the end of fermentation. The aroma compounds identified in rice vinegar and red yeast rice vinegar were similar. Twenty-four compounds, including 7 alcohols, 7 esters, 6 acids, 2 aldehydes and 2 ketones, were identified. The amount of 2,3-butanediol was highest in rice vinegar and red yeast rice vinegar, followed by 2-phenylethanol. After acetic acid fermentation for 48h, the amount of 2,3-butanediol significantly increased. However, the amounts of most of the aroma compounds decreased after aging for 2 months.


flovor monacolin k Monascus red yeast rice vinegar


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