  • 學位論文


Using Objects to Create the Screen Flows for the User Interface of 3G Mobile Phones

指導教授 : 陳立杰


隨著科技及環境的發展,資訊產品設計不僅只有外觀、硬體操作界面、人因工學等考量。真正好的資訊產品,也要兼顧軟體應用層面的考量,除了軟體本身可以提供基本的功能外,與硬體相關的操作性考量,也愈來愈重要。一個好的外觀設計,可以吸引使用者的目光,但一個好的介面設計,可以為產品加分,甚至可以增加使用者品牌忠誠度。如何在現今開發時程越來越短,功能越來越強大,使用者的要求越來越多的情況下,維持良好的設計品質,減少錯誤的決策,是每位介面設計師必須去面對的。 在介面設計過程中,定義出基本的需求及功能後,針對使用者的工作分析(Task analysis),利用文字或圖像的方式描述出來檢討。包含畫面的流程圖(Screen flow)是在介面設計上的輔助工具之ㄧ。 本研究分成三個部份,第一個部份透過分析,了解手機的各項功能及介面特性,整理出所需的物件;第二個部份是利用Visio將介面物件模組化,建立物件圖形,並利用樣板加以分類,透過這樣的方式,有效減少繪製流程圖的時間及增加一致性及正確性;第三個部份是針對生手及有經驗的設計師進行測試,主要目的為了驗證利用物件繪製流程圖的方式,是易於學習且所產出的文件符合標準文件的特性。 實際運用及研究的結果顯示,模組化的繪製方式,可使包含畫面的流程圖(Screen flow),成為一個符合需求的介面設計輔助工具。


3G手機 介面設計 流程圖 物件


Due to the developments of technologies and environments, designs of digital products consider not only about the looks, operation interfaces, and usability of the products. A good digital product also considers the applicability of software, which provides basic functions, and the operations related to hardware. Outstanding design of appearances could attract the users’ attention, but outstanding design of User Interface (UI) can be a positive feature of the product and increase the loyalties of users to the brand. Every designer has to face the following fact: how to keep the quality of design and reduce the wrong decisions under limited development schedule, increasing functions and more requirements from users. To create a good UI design, the appropriate tools are very important. During the processes of UI design, designer first defines the functions based on the users’ requirements and use task analysis to design the details, and then visualizes the results for discussing with engineers or customers. The screen flow is one of the tools could provide more details and describe the flow, but it takes lots of time to be created in the traditional way, so it can’t be a good tool for discuss in every phase. This research consists of three parts: analysis were first applied to understand the functions and the identities of interface of cell phones and the required objects were collected; Visio was then used to modulate the objects and create the components for drawing screen flow, and the time for drawing could be reduced and the unity and correctness were kept by doing so; finally, inexperienced and experienced designers were invited to use this method for testing, and the results showed that they could draw the screen flow easily and correctly by this method, even they didn’t use Visio before. In another word, using components to draw the screen flow could resolve the problems of the traditional way and make screen flow a appropriate tool for UI design.


3G mobile phone user interface screen flow object


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