  • 學位論文


Location-Based SMS Information Push System – Its Architecture, Design, and Applications

指導教授 : 陳志誠


無線通訊技術的進步和普及,對於人們的通訊方式產生革命性的影響,推播是資訊傳播的主要方式之一,而手機也是目前人們取得訊息的重要工具。但由於手機用戶常處於移動狀態,這個時間還在此區,下個時間可能移動到另一個區域,因此,如何有效傳遞訊息給在此區的用戶是一個值得研究的課題。本研究要建置一個針對特定區域來進行推播的適地性服務之訊息推播系統,在不改變目前GSM的系統下,採行GSM LCS的架構建立一通報的機制,並透過Cell-ID的定位方式,建置及維護一個推播型適地性服務的資料庫,如此則可避免很大的系統開銷,達到針對指定區域內的行動裝置用戶進行行動廣告推播的目的。我們已完成系統之雛型,並完成效能測試以及透過問卷對一般手機用戶接收到本系統提供之LBS簡訊廣告接受程度進行調查,結果顯示受訪用戶對於該種服務是保持接受的態度,也驗證了系統的可用性。本研究的機制可應用在許多商業用途如加油站發佈油價漲跌通知、零售商對特定客戶傳遞即時商情,在政府部門方面如警察人員勤務調度、淹水地區民眾車輛遷移等,極具開發之價值。


“Push” and “Pull” are two main kinds of information propagation. In present-day mobile communication environment, cellular phones are not only prevalence, but also become an important means for acquiring information. Due to the limited viewing windows and small bandwidth, most information presented to cellular phones is in the form of short message. In the present time, information broadcasting to newly entering mobile stations is technically feasible. But, mobile stations used to move from one base transceiver station to another, making the location of a mobile station a difficult task. If we want to push information to specified mobile subscribers in a given area, we need to remodel the system, since it is a waste to send a message out of the given area, and it is also a disturbance for the receiver to get an unwanted message. In order to determine whether a mobile station is in a given area, we have to search the entire location table, causing a huge system cost. Therefore, by way of using Cell-ID location technique that we suggest to construct and maintain a LBS database, registering all currently connected mobile stations in a specified area. A prototype is constructed and tested. The test results show that the proposed system is applicable. The proposed system cannot only be used in commercial area such as for local retailers to send information to their customers, but also in public sectors such as for police to send warnings in emergent rescue.


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