  • 學位論文


A Study on Consumers' Cognition to Gender Orientations of Mobile Phone Shapes

指導教授 : 劉又升


行動電話經常以性別來區隔市場,其造形性別取向可分為男性化、女性化、與 中性。然而由於消費者與設計師之間存在認知差異、以及消費者族群之間的認知差 異,導致產品造形無法滿足消費者的需求之現象時有所聞。本研究主要針對目前行 動電話造形,找出不同特性的消費者對造形性別取向之認知,並進一步針對市面上 之行動電話市場行銷進行探討,目的是使設計師更能設計出滿足消費者偏好的行動 電話,並提供設計師從事市場區隔的產品設計策略之運用。調查共分為三個步驟: 步驟(一)藉由設計師以多元尺度法(MDS)與集群分析(Cluster Analysis)的方式 找出行動電話之造形性別取向定位,步驟(二)藉由問卷調查找出消費者的基本資料 (人口統計資料、產品使用現況、接受資訊來源)、生活型態族群、與其對市面上直 立式行動電話的造形性別取向認知,步驟(三)運用集群分析(Cluster Analysis)、 T 檢定、變異數分析(ANOVA)、與積差相關分析產生統計結果。經由調查結果發現 性別(男性、女性)與族群(居家樸實族、時尚優異族、與率性機能族)為影響消費者 對行動電話性別取向認知的因素,最後得到以下結論:(一)特定的特徵組合會造成 特定的性別取向感覺,但是特徵的造形並無漸變與延續性的現象,且並非將女(男) 性化的造形因素組合後即會得到女(男)性化的行動電話;(二)行動電話當排除色彩 的影響後,會造成其性別取向的差異,顯見設計師在性別取向造形方面掌控不佳, 因而以色彩來增加其性別取向效果。另外,男性化行動電話造形較女性化行動電話 容易掌握;(三)外輪廓長寬比例接近2 的扁長形螢幕行動電話性別取向偏向男性化, 設計師應避免將女性化行動電話設計為此比例;;;;(四)行動電話的造形設計若要 獲得普遍性的認同要採用消費者的分群中群組一極女性化行動電話的造形,設計男 性化行動電話時要採群組七極男性化的造形,而群組三微女性行動電話的造形則是 必須避免的造形組合。


People often segment market by gender in mobile phone market. Cognitions for gender orientation of the form of mobile phones include masculinity, feminity, and neutrality. Because of the cognition difference between consumers and designers, and the cognition difference between consumers, it’s very common to hear that the form of products can not satisfy the demand of consumers. The study focuses on the shape of mobile phones to find out the cognition of different kinds of consumers, and discuss the marketing of mobile phones . The purpose of the study is to help designers to design the satisfied mobile phones and provide for designers to do market segmentation. The investigation includes three steps. First step:We find out the position of gender orientations of the shape of mobile phones by using MDS and Cluster Analysis. The second step:We find out the basic information of consumers (demographic information、situation of using products、source of information), different lifestyle consumers, and consumers’ cognition for gender orientations of the shape of mobile phones. The third step:We apply Cluster Analysis, T-test. ANOVA, and Spearman Correlation Analysis to find out the result of statistics. According to the outcome of investigation, gender(male、 female)and different lifestyle consumers(simple group、fashion group straightforward group)are main factors that affect consumers’ cognition for gender orientations of the shape of mobile phones. After all, we got four conclusions as follows:Firstly, specific combination of characteristics will make specific gender orientation, but there is no gradual change between groups. Besides, when we combine the male(female)characteristics together, it may not necessarily become a masculine(feminine)mobile phone. Secondly, when the mobile phones eliminate the effect of color, its gender orientations of the shape will change, too. It means that designers are not good at controlling the gender orientations of the shape, so they use color to make the orientations more obvious. Thirdly, when the ratio of outline close to 2, the gender orientations of mobile phones become masculinity. Therefore, designers must avoid to design feminine mobile phones at this ratio. Fourthly, If you want the shape of mobile phones to be generally accepted, designers should apply the form of group1 that is classified by consumers. When it comes to masculine mobile phones, designers should apply the shape of group7. And designers should avoid to use the shape of group3 when they design mobile phones.


Form Gender Orientation Mobile Phone


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