  • 學位論文


The Influence on Interface Recognition with Different Buttuon Form ─ Take the Mobile Phone as a Case Study.

指導教授 : 劉又升


目前的電子性產品已趨向小體積、多功能的形態,在介面的配置空間不斷的縮減,功能確不斷的在增加的情況下,眾多不同功能的按鍵必須被強迫擠在同一個狹小的控制介面中,造成介面上的擁擠;在如此的情況下,使用者要如何去辨識區分那幾個按鍵是屬於相同功能上的控制按鍵,將是設計師在介面設計上所要著重的部分。因此,本研究以行動電話上的按鍵介面來做為研究樣本,探討當不同的功能介面在同一操作面版上時,如何增進其辨識效能,並達到良好的訊息效果。 其研究結果顯示(1)當在同一控制面板中,有兩種以上不同功能的操作介面時,利用不同造形元素的導入可以增加差異性,能達到快速區分的效果;但當在同一功能介面中要運用不同造形元素來突顯此功能介面與其他功能介面之間的差異時,盡量以重疊的方式來與同一功能介面中其他的造形元素搭配,才能夠達到良好的群化效果。(2)若在按鍵的設計上是以相同的造形元素來進行設計時,則設計師應在按鍵的排列上做一個變化性,盡量將不同的功能介面,以不同的排列形式來表達。(3)在兩種不同的功能介面中,也可以利用群化原則中的相似性以及接近性來做為介面區分上的設計,將具有相關性的功能在排列上或比例大小上給予相似的配置以及大小,來賦予群化的效果。(4)此外在介面的設計上也必須要考量到,使用者在操作上的認知。


按鍵 使用者介面 辨識


The size of today’s electronic products tends to be small, and those products have multiple functions as well. Under the condition of limited space in the panel with increasing functions, many buttons with different functions are forced to be set in a control panel with small space. It causes the crowded space of the panel. In this situation, how to recognize which buttons belong to control button with the same function for the user become the focus to the designer in the design of panel. Therefore, button panel in the mobile phone will be used as the sample in this study to discuss how to increase the effect of recognition when the different functions are set in the same operating panel, and to reach a good effect of transmission. The result of this study shows that (1) there are more than two functions in a panel when they are set in a control panel, the bringing of factors with different designs can increase their discrepancy and reach the effect of fast recognition. However, when the designer needs to use the different design factors in a control panel with the same function to emphasize on the discrepancy between this panel and that panel, he needs to collocate it with other design factors in a panel with the same functions by using the overlap. By doing so, he can reach a good effect of grouping. (2) If the button design is designed by the same design factors, then he should make the difference in the arrangement of the button to express such difference in the different panels. (3) In the panel with two kinds of functions, the design can be differentiated by using law of proximity and law of similarity in the grouping. Besides, the arrangement or the size of relative functions can be set similarly to give the effect of grouping. (4) The awareness about operation from the user should be taken into account in the panel design.


button the user's interface recognition


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