  • 學位論文


Collaborative Knowledge Management Of Banking Domain Using Semantic Wiki Technique

指導教授 : 葉慶隆


網際網路技術迅速發展,金融機構必須提供客戶更多元的產品及服務效率。電子化業務是趨勢也是個挑戰,面對業務系統背後的金融專業知識(Know_How)與各類文件手冊,業務人員要完全熟悉是相當困難也是沈重的負擔。遍佈各據點的業務人員,受限於時間與距離因素,僅有為數不多的教育訓練,很難完全熟悉業務系統操作,又無完整的專業知識管理平台可供查詢、學習與經驗分享。 因此本研究以建置一套整合語意網與Wiki技術應用於銀行業之協同知識管理系統,以協同創作概念,開發具企業文化特色之專業知識管理、經驗分享與傳承、協同創作的知識網站。整合專業金融業務知識、規章程序文件、問題與對策,提供適用銀行領域之協同創作知識管理環境,打破時間與距離的限制,提供專業人員共同進行知識的創作與管理,及提供員工查詢知識文件資料與學習專業知識,並能夠依其專業見解適切地進行註解、補充或修改,累積匯集業務經驗以提供後進人員汲取經驗。另藉由協同創作知識管理平台的建立,打破個人單打獨鬥模式,改以協同解決模式,藉由協同創作與互動分享業務經驗,消弭時間與距離限制,提供更有效率更專業的服務。 以傳統Wiki系統功能為基礎結合語意網技術,即所謂的「語意Wiki」技術,設計符合銀行領域之RDF後設資料框架,不僅保有傳統Wiki系統協同創作與分享之精神,並結合語意網之本體知識框架技術,提供註解(Annotate)功能,將Wiki知識庫中的標籤與文件屬性資訊儲存成RDF描述的後設資料知識庫,提供語意搜尋功能,與分享領域知識,增加知識搜尋的精確性。


With the rapid development of Internet network, banking must provide more diverse of product and more efficient services. Electronic banking service is a trend and also a challenge. The rapid growth of banking business process know-how and manual documents would be a heavy burden for the branch staff to learn how to use them because time and distance is restricted. In this paper we combine both technologies of Semantic Web and wiki to develop a semantic wiki system for knowledge sharing in the banking domain. The semantic wiki system, breaking the time and distance restrictions, provides banking staff a collaborative and efficient environment to manage their knowledge and share their experiences with each other. The system provides functions for knowledge worker to describe their professional knowledge in document and other can look for document and learn new knowledge from others. Also user can annotate and modify document at appropriate points to collect experience in an evolved way. The system is implemented based on traditional Wiki system combining with Semantic Web technology. We design ontology for the banking domain. The system provides functions of collaborative authoring and knowledge sharing by using ontology as the knowledge framework. The annotation of function can translate the category and attribute and attribute of Wiki article into RDF. RDF metadata can be processed by machine and offer semantic search and enhance precision of search and annotate of function.


RDF Wiki Semantic Web Knowledge Management(KM) Metadata


[1]“Extensible Markup Language (XML)”, http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml -20001006.
[2]“The Semantic Web: An Introduction”,http://infomesh.net/2001/swintro/.
[4]“W3C,OWL Web Ontology Language Guide” , http://www.w3.org/TR/2004 /REC-owl-guide-20040210/.
[5]W3C,”OWL Web Ontology Language Use Cases and Requirements”, http:// www.w3.org/TR/webont-req/.
[7]Sebastian Schaffert ,”IkeWiki: A SemanticWiki for Collaborative Knowledge Management”,Salzburg Research For schungsgesellschaft/Salzburg New Media Lab ,2006
