  • 學位論文


The Design and Evaluation of the Compasses Devoted for Visually Impaired People

指導教授 : 涂永祥


視障者因為缺乏視覺輔助,所以在繪圖時需要以觸覺作為輔助,繪圖工具在畫圖時所產生的觸覺回饋,對視障者極為重要,如何讓視障者能主動的學習畫圖技巧,以及妥善運用其他的感官完成繪圖作業是重要的課題。本研究的目標在於視障用圓規之設計與使用績效評估,在先期實驗中,進行兩個實驗;先期實驗一,主要針對視障者目前使用的現有圓規(CR1)與初步自行設計改良過的概念圓規(CR2)進行測試比較,實驗結果發現,CR2在調半徑的指示器與圓心的固定有缺失,經過再次提案產生新型態的齒輪型輪刀圓規。先期實驗二,其主要目標為瞭解不同尺寸的輪刀筆頭與畫紙材的適切畫圓浮凸匹配組合,經由兩個先期實驗裡所得到的研究成果,套用在輪刀圓規(CR3)的設計中,產品原型製作完成後,設計四項實驗任務分別對台北縣市7所國小的10位視障學生,對三把圓規進行測試比較。以一般線性模式多變量分析(MANOVA)發現,在畫圓時間上,CR3顯著地優於其他2把圓規;在畫圓弧偏差與動態圓心的偏差上,最小誤差量的圓規亦是CR3,由實驗中證實 CR3的確能改善視障者繪圓的作業,本研究之成果,可提供視障教育輔具之應用。


In the task of drawing pictures, the people have to apply their hands to feel the drawing. To have a clear tactile response is a critical function to a drawing tool devoted for blind persons. This study focused on designing a compasses tool for blind persons to utilize the sense of touch in the task of drawing circles. There were two pilot studies conducted in this study, the first one was to compare the compasses (CR1) mostly used by the blind users with a conceptual tool (CR2) designed in this research. The result showed that although the CR2 had the significant less operating time than CR1, it had the larger deviations at fixing the centerpoint and drawing the arc. Another concept was proposed to improve this situation which was to build a gear as the head of the compasses. And another pilot study that was to test what kind of gear had the better performance on the circle-drawing tasks was conducted. In this second pilot study, there were 7 different gear-heads tested with 3 different kinds of drawing papers. And it was found that the gear 2, which was 8 teeth, was the best one within the 7 types. A new creative compasses (CR3) was designed after the two pilot study, and a complete balanced experiment with four tasks was conducted to see the differences within those three compasses (CR1, CR2, CR3), for which 10 blind children were recruited from the school for visual impaired children in Taipei. The MANOVA test was employed and it was found that CR3 was significantly better than the other ones at the mean task time, and also at the arc deviation, dynamic centerpoint deviation, and the total deviation. The conclusion is that the CR3 is better than the CR1 and CR2, which means the new creative compasses has the better performance on the tasks of drawing circles for the blind people.


gear-head compasses tactual response haptic drawing


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