  • 學位論文


A Study on Form Features of IP Phone Series Models

指導教授 : 羅致遠


企業經常以系列性產品造形風格的策略推出新產品,不但可以快速推出新產 品,同時也能使消費者對產品的選擇範圍更寬廣,對產品有更高的認同感,在成本 的考量上也因為共用零件、模具及製程的簡化而降低成本。另外在產品設計時,可 依據已有的特色進行設計,如此設計的時間可以大大的縮減,對於設計的品質與速 度上,有相當的助益。本研究以思科網路電話為對象,首先從網路上收集所有思科 網路電話圖片,並整理思科網路電話系列機型及發展年代圖,以分析思科系列網路 電話的外觀造形發展,經過整理分析後篩選出實驗所需之四個代表機型,分別針對 工業設計碩士在職班學生及網路電話外觀設計師以問卷調查方式,萃取網路電話系 列風格辨識度強的造形特徵。問卷結果發現本體輪廓線、螢幕飾板、搜尋鍵、顏色 為思科系列網路電話辨識度最強的造形特徵。接著以座談方式,徵詢具有實務設計 經驗之工業設計專家,對思科系列造形風格網路電話造形的建構意見,最後參考造 形文法方式,將思科網路電話最具系列風格辨識度之造形特徵,整理成思科網路電 話造形特徵之參考要點,以供建構思科系列網路電話造形之參考。


Enterprises have often released new products based on the strategy of product form style series, not only has it helped enterprises to release new products promptly,it also offers consumers with a broader range of product options and enhances product identity,in the meanwhile this strategy reduces costs due to the sharing of spare parts and tooling as well as simplification in standard operating procedures. In addition, when enterprises design products, they design in accordance with existing features therefore substantially cut down on the design time and essentially benefit to the design quality and speed. The article has investigated on the CISCO IP Phones through an initial collection of all CISCO IP Phone pictures and then categorized according to the series models and the chronicle development chart. The data was used to analyze the development of the external shape with further collation and analysis for screening out the four representative models for the experiment. The study involved a survey, targeted to the Master students of industrial design and designers of external IP phones to extract most distinctive form features from the IP Phone series styles. Results of the survey showed that the contour of the phone body, LCD bezel, navigation buttons and colors were the form features with the most distinctiveness for CISCO IP Phone series. Moreover, the study interviewed industrial design specialists with practical experiences, consult with them for the structure of CISCO IP Phone style series form. Finally, the study referred to shape grammar to collate the CISCO IP Phones style series with the most distinctiveness in form features and become the reference models for the CISCO series IP Phone form framework.


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