  • 學位論文


The Application of the Uncertainty Image Design:A Case Study of the Taiwanese Traditional Folk Beliefs

指導教授 : 曹永慶


本研究之目的是以台灣傳統民俗信仰為例,探討不確定性意象的構成要素及如何將不確定性意象轉化成設計手法應用於產品之中。內容包含三大部分︰(1)透過文獻探討、現有產品調查以及事例問卷,了解不確定性意象之產生原因與為了解決不確定性所採取的民俗信仰行為。(2)蒐集以民俗信仰為例的不確定性意象相關事例,再利用集群分析得到不確定性意象之概念結構以及可應用於產品設計的設計手法,並依設計手法設計樣本後實施不確定性意象測試。(3)由主成份分析、集群分析和線性迴歸分析結果,得到構成不確定性的意象結構以及其意象結構與綜合評價之因果關係,最後歸納出應用於產品的設計要素與不確定性意象之間的關係。 台灣傳統民俗信仰下的不確定性意象之結構,其概念可分為為求「為求解惑」與「為求平安順利」兩大結構。「為求解惑」是對於心中的疑問去尋求指示。這樣的指示又分為「大方向」的指示以及「確切」的指示。對於「大方向」的指示,求得的結果比較模糊;「確切」的指示則是基於某種規則所求得到的結果。另外, 為求平安順利」乃是一種宣洩終止內心不安感所尋求的方式。可依時間再分為「未發生」與「已發生」。對於「未發生」的事情祈求保佑;而對於「已發生」且「可改變」事情祈求好轉,「已發生」且「不可改變」的事則藉由信仰得到心靈上的平復。 構成不確定性意象的設計要素,除了產品外觀造型之外,也包含了產品使用時的動作與情境。經由不確定性意象事例集群分析的結果,得到設計要素可分為以下四項屬性:「動作」屬性、「機率」屬性、「命理」屬性,以及「物品」屬性。最後由上述四項屬性結合不確定性意象之結構得到十三個設計手法。 經各分析得到,不確定性意象可由「守舊-新穎」因素,使用產品後其結果呈現的「出乎預料-意料之中」因素,以及對於相信是否能夠確實降低不確定性的「虔誠-存疑」,三大主要因素所構成。 不確定性意象與綜合評價之因果關係中得知,影響綜合評價「保護」程度為「神聖-褻瀆」、「古老-現代」意象,若在使用產品時呈現「神聖」的感覺並符合「現代」的需求便可產生「保護」的感覺;而影響綜合評價「安心」程度為 明示-暗示」、「篤信的-懷疑的」意象,當「篤信」產品的民俗信仰力量且以「暗示」的方式傳達其象徵意義,就給人「安心」的意象出現;最後,影響綜合評價「喜歡」程度為「篤信-懷疑」意象,若在使用產品給人「篤信」的感覺,相信使用此產品時確實能降低不確定性,會讓人喜歡使用。 應用於產品的設計要素與不確定性意象之間的關係可得知,使用「動作」屬之設計手法,會給人「安心」以及較強的「保護」感覺;如果加入「物品」屬性,則會大大提高「安心」的感覺;而使用包含「命理」以及「機率」屬性的設計手法時,會使人有「出乎預料」的感覺,其「保護」與「安心」的感覺較弱,但「喜歡」程度偏高。


The main purpose of this study is take the Taiwan traditional folk beliefs as an example, discusses how to transform uncertainty image (the design technique) to apply to the product design, and find out the essential factor of the constitution uncertainty image. It contents three major parts: (1) Firstly, through the relevant literature, similar product marketing research and collecting specific examples, understand the creation of the uncertainty image and solved the discomfort that the Taiwanese people's custom responded belief in behavior. (2) Next, to conclude general structure of uncertainty image through practical case and analysis. (3) Finally, the testing sample derived from design methods mentioned in the previous section to conduct testing on uncertainty image, examine correlation between different samples and causal relation between uncertainty image and synthesized evaluation of each sample group. Under Taiwan’s traditional folk beliefs structure of uncertainty images can be formed by two main ideas, “for dispels doubt” and “asks safely smooth”. “For dispels doubt” seeks the instruction regarding to the question. Such instruction can be formed from “the general” instruction and “the definite” instruction. The result of general instruction is not clear, and the instruction’s definition is a result which includes some rules. “Asks safely smooth” is one way to seek the termination for feeling restless. According to the differences, they can be divided into “had not occurred” event and “had occurred” events. For “had not occurred” events ask to bless, “had occurred” events can be divided into “may change” and “cannot change” two sub-concepts. To constitute uncertainty image product design factors, the product shape and appearance that contained motion and the mold of situation gives the user much favor into the product. The most important design essential factors are four attributes: “motion” attributes, “probability” attributes, “destiny” attributes, and “item” attributes. Finally, according to the uncertainty image structure and the four attributes could transform into the design method. Uncertainty image of the product can be constituted by the image of the “old-fashioned - novel” factor, the “unexpected - expected” factor which is the results after using product, and the “pious - doubt” factor that posed whether it can really reduce the uncertainty or not. In all samples, affecting synthesized evaluate on the extent of the “protection” are “sacred - blasphemes” and “ancient - modern”. Using product that rendering the “sacred” feeling accords with the “modern” needs can be had a “protection” feeling; The factors extent of the synthesized evaluate “reassuring” are “explicit - implicit” and “believe in - incredulous”. When “believe” product with the folk belief conveys symbolic meaning with “implicit” gives the image of “reassuring”. At last, affecting synthesized evaluate degree of the “love to use” is “believe in - incredulous”. If the product gives the “believe in” feeling while using, it can actually reduce the uncertainty and make people willing to use. The design method brings out the way that using the “motion” attribute for design will offer people “reassuring” and stronger “protection” feeling. If adding the “items” attribute, this will greatly enhance the “reassuring” feeling. When using the “destiny” attribute and the “probability” attribute for product design, they will give people an “unexpected” feeling and “hate to use”.


Local Culture Custom Uncertainty Folk beliefs


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