  • 學位論文

電弧沉積TiCrN多層膜與無電鍍鎳介層對ADI 表面性質之影響

Effects of Electroless Nickel Interlayer and TiCrN Arc-multilayers on Surface Properties of ADI

指導教授 : 許正勳


沃斯回火球墨鑄鐵(Austempered ductile iron, ADI)是將球墨鑄鐵經由沃斯回火熱處理而得,具有高強度、耐磨耗及低成本等優點。本研究在不影響ADI基材微結構的前提下改善其表面性質,故選用低溫之陰極電弧沉積(Cathodic arc deposition, CAD)製程來披覆TiCrN多層膜。本實驗先披覆一層25μm無電鍍鎳(Electroless nickel, ENi)為中介層,以降低鍍層與基材的硬度梯度,並針對三種偏壓(-100V、-150V、-200V) TiCrN多層膜與CrN與TiN進行性質的比較。 實驗結果顯示,ENi因可填補基材球墨孔洞,故有效提升膜層的附著性與承載力。TiCrN多層膜在機械性質及耐蝕性上皆比單層膜CrN與TiN來的優異,其中以偏壓-150V條件擁有最佳的附著性與變形阻抗(H3/E2=0.218 GPa)。其Cr/(Cr+Ti)=33.8%,表示沉積的膜層較均勻,加上適當的殘留應力(σ=-10.5 GPa)有助於提升薄膜抵抗塑性變形的能力,摩擦係數亦較低。在耐蝕性的表現上也以-150V偏壓條件之TiCrN鍍膜重量損失較少,故耐蝕性最佳。


Austempered ductile iron (ADI) that made by austempering heat treatment is a material with high tensile strength, wear resistance and low cost. Under the premise that have no effects on the microstructure of ADI, we used the cathodic arc deposition (CAD) to deposit TiCrN multilayers for improving ADI’s suface properties. Before the CAD treatment, we deposited electroless Nickel (ENi) as interlayer to reduce the hardness gradient between film and substrate, and compared the surface properties of TiCrN multilayers (-100V, -150V, -200V) with CrN and TiN films. The results showed that because ENi could fill up the hole-defects on ADI’s surface, resulting in enhancing the adhesion quality and load-carrying ability. For the mechanical characteristics and corrosion resistance, TiCrN multilayers are better than CrN and TiN films. Especially, the condition of -150V bias could obtain the best adhesion quality and plastic deformation resistance (H3/E2=0.218 GPa). The chromium atomic percent ratio Cr/(Cr+Ti) at -150V bias is 33.8% to denote that the coatings were homogeneous, and had the proper residual stress (σ=-10.5 GPa) to enhance the power of plastic deformation resistance and decrease the friction coefficient. For the corrosion resistance, the use of -150V bias has the lowest weight loss, so it is the best in corrosion resistance.


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