  • 學位論文


The Impact of Service Quality and Relationship Quality on Mutual Loyalty between Retailers and Distributors

指導教授 : 陳煇煌


21世紀,工業經濟型態已轉型為服務經濟型態,使得通路交易模式隨之改變,全球運籌已為企業經營發展的趨勢,供應鏈的垂直與水平部署早已超越地域國界,工業經濟時代的交易模式,猶如強勢的配銷業者與相對弱勢的零售業者合作建構通路,供應商提供產品在通路中由上往下推銷零售業者被動接收產品,然而在服務經濟思維浪潮下,二者間的合作模式已有許多改變。本研究以需求拉動的服務經濟思維比較彼此的訴求、模式及慣例之差異,探討配銷商提供服務品質與關係品質的認知和零售商接受服務品質與關係品質的預期影響忠誠度認知的探討。 本研究說明服務經濟時代,價值鏈中的活動是藉由服務將產品價值提高,服務與關係建立成為凝聚上下游廠商的主要樞紐,因而彙整有關服務品質、關係品質影響忠誠度的相關理論文獻,形成本研究初步觀念性架構,據以發展開放式問卷,進行個案研究涉入訪談。訪談對象包含馬來西亞與臺灣的配銷商及零售商,先行探討兩國零售業者對服務品質與關係品質的預期,再以兩國實際個案資料提供台灣配銷業者與馬來西亞零售商進行跨國交易之建議。 本研究將消費訴求之服務品質和關係品質概念運用於產業組織關係上,並透過跨個案綜合分析得知,馬來西亞配銷商與零售商維繫忠誠度之關係品質差異要素在於金流與物流的信任程度,而維繫服務品質的要素在於配銷商在經營過程中發生變動即時處理反應之能力,以及物流中的數量、貨源、品質和時間上可靠性及保證性。台灣在維繫忠誠度主要是以關係品質而且是處於非常緊密的結合,而維繫服務品質其要素差異在於配銷商與零售商互相了解後預期與感知不同,且透過互相了解零售商可透過眾多配銷商獲取品牌的可靠性與保證性。 根據跨個案分析得知,台灣配銷業者欲進入馬來西亞的零售市場,維繫馬來西亞零售業者忠誠度的關係品質要素是滿意度。配銷業者必須提供相關的產品品牌與品質滿足零售業者,而維繫馬來西亞零售商忠誠度的服務品質要在於反應性,配銷商應時常與零售商聯繫,並且透過零售商提供的資訊了解當地市場的運作狀況,以及零售商對品牌和品質的認知以協助配銷業者跨大市場藍圖為目標,同時配銷業者也可從獲得資訊中做出應變措施,以即時反應給零售業者。另外,進行跨國交易物流是很重要的一環,配銷業者必須從零售商的資訊做出物流的規劃,以提高物流中的數量、貨源、品質和時間的保證性及可靠性。 本研究以服務品質和關係品質對忠誠度的影響,詮釋兩國通路互動模式中提供服務及關係維持之預期與感知,彰顯入境問俗、避免以己度人的重要性,俾供業界進行跨國通路營運管理與策略規劃之參考。


In the industrial economic model, the constructions of channel are strong distributors and weak retailers work together, and products provided by the supplier in trading patterns are top to bottom. However in the 21st century, traditional industrial economy change to service economy the consumption patterns are different, service economy will provide excellent service quality increase the value of product. This study shows that the service economy, value chain activities to improve product value through service.Therefore, order by the service quality, relationship quality affect the loyalty formation of literature conceptual framework, according to the conceptual framework develop open-ended questionnaire. In this study, we use qualitative research and find out with the Malaysian and Taiwan distributor and retailer to conduct field interviews, and the depth interviews by the process of collecting the two actually interact in the channel. Using open interview to answer the issues raise in research to understand the actual situation in the channel interaction, and through interviews if there are other untapped potential problems. The factor of Malaysian distributor and retailers to maintain the loyalty of the relationship quality is difference between by the trust of cash flow and logistics. The distributor in the business process maintains service quality is responses real-time processing ability and logistics in quantity, supply, quality and time reliability and assurance. Taiwan distributor and retailers in a very close integration on relationship quality and the distributor in the business process maintains service quality is different between expectations and perception that through mutual understanding via many retailers distributor to obtain brand reliability and assurance. According to cross-case analysis showed that Taiwan's distribution industry wishing to enter the retail market in Malaysia, Malaysia retailers to maintain loyalty factor is the quality of the relationship between satisfactions and Malaysian retailers maintaining service quality of loyalty is responsive. In this study, the two countries in the supply chain to maintain loyalty to each other have very different, cross-border transactions must be according the local case-based mutual trade to effectively for successful. Although this study only the service quality, relationship quality and loyalty as the main constructs in this study, but the constructs was upgrade to the organization level. In future research, we suggestions from more level, and the role of national and cultural point of view can be used to explore the interaction between channel impacts.


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