  • 學位論文


The Study of Hybrid Magnetic Materials on the Electromagnetic Shielding

指導教授 : 林鴻明


隨著科技的發展,各種電子設備雖為生活帶來便利。但也在使用的過程中產生了電磁干擾之問題也日益嚴重,不但電子設備相互影響也為害到人們的健康。遂在此討論如何降低電磁波干擾問題。 本研究的主要是利用奈米四氧化三鐵、鍍鎳玻璃珠和羰基鐵線,以不同的重量百分比各別填充至環氧樹酯(epoxy)及發泡鎳(Ni foam)中,並比較環氧樹酯複合材料疊加一層發泡鎳與發泡鎳複合材料在2HGz到18GHz的頻率下之電磁波遮蔽效果。 實驗結果顯示,三種材料對電磁波遮蔽效果,以鍍鎳玻璃珠效果最佳、其次羰基鐵線、四氧化三鐵最差。在疊加及填充至發泡鎳,電磁波遮蔽效果以填充發泡鎳複合材料最佳,以玻璃珠鍍鎳20重量百分比為例,填充發泡鎳複合材料在12GHz下遮蔽率都在90%以上,而疊加的效果只有71%


With advances in technology in recent years, electrical products have become our daily life is an indispensable commodity. This is caused the electromagnetic interference problem producing by electrical products and seriously increasing. Not only influence each other of electrical products but also may damage people's health. So, how to decrease problem of electromagnetic interference is a major issue in recent studies. In this study, the nano Fe3O4, nickel coated glass (Ni/Glass), and carbonyl iron wire are used to fills in epoxy or nickel foam to study the effects of the electromagnetic shield. The different weight percentages of magnetic powders are prepared and hybrids with nickel foam composites are conduct to examine the EMI shielding effectiveness (SE). This study indicates the sequence of SE effects for these materials is Ni/Glass>iron wire>Fe3O4. The EMI shielding effectiveness of hybrid composites is greater than that of pure composite structure.


magnetic material EMI shielding


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