  • 學位論文


Exploring the Emotional Dimensions on Product Design with a Decision Analysis Model

指導教授 : 陳立杰


企業在產品設計與開發的過程中,要如何於決策時刻透過有效的程序與方法,選出適應市場需要的產品,是協助企業確保經營與成長的關鍵。雖然消費者會根據產品的效益,以價格和功能的評比等理性的訴求作為決策的參考,但消費行為卻往往超越理性,而以消費者主觀衡量得失之後的認知價值作為真正的決策核心。因此,為讓企業在面對今日漸趨複雜的產品設計開發環境中,能掌握住與消費市場溝通的脈動,本論文進行提昇產品認知價值的情感向度指標萃取、傳達方法與決策分析模式之研究,作為改進產品開發與決策品質的重要依據。 研究共分為三個階段:第一階段先透過文獻研究及訪談設計師與使用者的方式,找出建立情感向度的元素因子,隨後透過大規模的問卷調查,並進行因素分析。最後萃取出情感向度的四個構面,即非凡特質(F)、感性聯想(A)、社交尊嚴(S)與攝眾交心(E)這四個主要構面,本論文將之命名為斐思指標(FASE Index)。 第二階段則進行三個實驗,以驗證斐思指標的區辨能力。實驗一以三款經典設計商品,對決策性格不同的受測者進行實驗,並結合模糊理論與成對比較矩陣,對受測者斐思指標的權值進行評價。再藉由卡方分析、G2統計與四次的二因子變異數分析,檢定斐思指標的區別能力與實用性。統計分析結果顯示,受測者面對不同設計款式的產品,在斐思指標上具有顯著的感受差異。實驗二則以四款USB隨身碟為例,以背景相近的受測者進行實驗,藉由ANOVA的分析結果顯示出斐思指標對相同定位的產品也具有鑑別能力。實驗三則延續實驗二,以其中一款得到國際設計獎項的暢銷USB隨身碟並在設計師願意受訪的情況下,針對該作品的原創設計師以及實驗二的受測者進行實驗比對,以探討設計師概念模型及使用者心智模型之異同。實驗結果顯示,斐思指標可有效定義產品認知價值之情感向度,且設計師與使用者在斐思指標上也可呈現出相同的趨勢。 最後一個階段為斐思指標決策分析模式的驗證,藉由斐思指標發展出以群體決策為基礎的協同過濾推薦的權值聚合演算與決策分析模式,以作為改進產品開發與決策品質的重要依據。本階段並以某文創公司將要推出的新產品為例,由公司核心成員組成之決策小組進行評選,並以協同過濾推薦技術來衡量新產品與競爭產品在斐思指標的評價空間上的差異,作為新產品開發的決策參考。實驗結果也顯示結合斐思指標與協同過濾推薦技術的決策模式,可以避免傳統決策模式的盲點,提供較客觀的決策建議。 本研究預期斐思指標將可有效作為產品設計情感設計傳達的工具,同時產業將可藉由斐思指標的評量作為規劃產品開發策略之決策依據,除可提昇產品開發與決策品質,強化企業競爭優勢之外,本研究所提出的研究架構、論點與方法並可擴展成為生活、商業和公共政策等諸多領域的決策參考。


At the stage of product design and development, an effective method for selecting product concepts that fulfill market needs is the key to ensure the growth of a company. Although some consumers make their purchase decisions based on quality, functionality, usability, and cost performance index, many consumers consider the perceive values, such as the look-and-feel or the subjective understanding about the product, as the major factors of purchasing. However, in the literature, there is a lack of systematic methods to deal with communication and decision making for product concept selection based on perceived values. To address this issue, the objective of this research is to identify emotional factors that affect the perceived value of products and develop a quantitative method for decision making. This research included three stages. In the first stage, literature review and a large scale survey on the experiences of designers and customers were conducted to collect the factors that influenced the perceived values from emotional perspectives. Furthermore, using factor analysis, four emotional dimensions, i.e., Features (F), Association (A), Social-esteem (S), and Engagement (E), were identified and named as the FASE Index. To validate the applicability of the index, three experiments were carried out at the second stage. In the first experiment, the analysis of perception difference for three classic and heterogeneous products, which were considered as good designs in many textbooks, was conducted to verify the validity of the index. Participants with different decision styles were invited to evaluate these products. The results showed that FASE index was able to distinguish among products with different functions. In the second experiment, four homogeneous products with the same function served as the experimental samples. Similarly, this index could be used to discriminate these products successfully. In the third experiment, a comparative study examined whether or not designers and consumers exhibited any differences in judging two award winning products. The results indicated that their judgments shared the same trend in the emotional dimensions. The findings of these experiments had demonstrated that FASE index could be used as a structure for design communication from emotional perspectives. At the third stage, a quantitative method for group decision making was developed based on the index. Not only the uniqueness of product concepts but also the similarity among concepts and benchmark products were considered in the decision model. A case study was then used to illustrate the effectiveness of the method. Application of the FASE Index and the quantitative method could allow designers to create their products based on the characteristics expected by potential clients and to avoid situations in which designers and clients fail to communicate properly. In addition, companies could categorize their products according to the Index to ensure the uniqueness of a product. With the help of these approaches, the quality of product development decisions could be improved.


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