  • 學位論文


A Receiver-initiated MAC Protocol with Packet Train Design for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

指導教授 : 廖文華


媒體存取控制協定(Media access control, MAC)在無線感測器網路中是一個很重要的議題,一個有效的媒體存取控制協定能夠減少封包碰撞的發生與增加網路的效能。目前已有相當多用於陸地上網路環境的協定被提出,而主要使用交握機制(handshaking-base)的協定能夠有效解決隱藏終端(hidden-terminal)與暴露終端(expose-terminal)的問題。然而,為了陸地上的網路環境所設計的媒體存取控制協定,無法直接用於水下聲波感測器網路(Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network, UASN),其原因是由於傳輸介質不同的關係,陸地上是使用電磁波,速度趨近於光速,而在水中則是使用聲波傳送,傳輸速度遠比陸地上的還要慢。而在媒體存取控制協定裡,交握是很常見的一個方法,但是當使用於水下聲波感測器網路時,在每次資料傳輸之前所需要預先傳送控制封包的傳送成本將遠大於陸地上的環境。在這篇文章當中,為了想要提高每一次交握的使用效率,我們提出一個有利於接收端的水下媒體存取控制協定,讓在提出交握的主要接收端傳輸範圍內的節點,能夠互相傳送資料,進而更有效的利用每一次的交握與降低控制封包的傳送量。而模擬實驗的結果驗證我們所設計的協定的確能夠有效的提高網路效能與降低封包的傳送延遲。


Media access control (MAC) is one of the most important issues in wireless sensor networks. An efficient MAC protocol can reduce the collision and enhance the throughput of the wireless sensor networks. There are many MAC protocols that have been proposed for terrestrial wireless networks, and handshaking-base protocol is a good idea to solve the hidden-terminal and expose-terminal problems. However, these protocols cannot be applied directly in underwater acoustic sensor network (UASN). Due to the long propagation delay and the low data rate, too many transmissions of control packets will waste channel resources, power and transmission time. In this thesis, considering to enhance the throughput and to reduce the transmission of control packet for handshaking, we propose a receiver-initiated MAC protocol with packet train for UWSN named multi-receiver MAC protocol (MR-MAC). This protocol can let more than two nodes make communication in one handshake held by a main receiver. By coordinating the packet transmission time, data packets will arrive in a packet train manner and receiver can receive packet without collision. In our simulation results, we compare with existing protocols and we show that our protocol increases the throughput and decreases the packet delay.


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