  • 學位論文

最佳化觀點之行動裝置觸控螢幕雙頁鍵盤配置 – 以注音輸入法為例

A Two-pages Keyboard Arrangement for Touch Screen of Mobile Devices from Optimization Perspectives – A Design of Zhuyin Input Method

指導教授 : 陳明賢


近年社群網站興盛及行動上網普及,使得人們可以隨時隨地以行動裝置(例如PDA或智慧手機)在社群網站分享訊息。而這些訊息已不再是短短幾個字、以句為單位,而是較大量的文字、以段落為單位。惟目前行動裝置之鍵盤大都實現於觸控螢幕,且沿用傳統鍵盤配置(適合雙手多指平放於桌面使用),並未針對觸控螢幕及行動裝置的特性另行設計,故容易誤觸及輸入速度慢。雖然,過去已有一些針對行動裝置鍵盤配置之研究,惟探討的都是單指輸入。這類鍵盤因單指操作使得鍵盤面積受到侷限,只適合按鍵總數不多或允許按鍵面積小的情況,對於實現在觸控螢幕且符號量大的語言,如日文、韓文或是中文注音等,並不適合,故本研究提出雙頁鍵盤配置,以解決上述問題。 為了要快速輸入較大量的文字,單手手持行動裝置以單指輸入並不適用,較佳的姿勢應為雙手橫持行動裝置以雙拇指輸入。綜合上述,本研究考慮數個人因工學準則提出雙頁鍵盤設計,並將鍵盤的配置做最佳化的考量。鍵盤配置屬於NP-Hard問題,本研究以最佳化之觀點利用螞蟻演算法,考慮數個人因工學的準則設計出適合於雙拇指輸入的雙頁鍵盤設計,以行動裝置及注音輸入法為例,使拇指在輸入時移動的總距離最小,有效的提升輸入速度。研究結果顯示,與目前現存之鍵盤相比,能顯著提升文字輸入速度。


Social network websites development and mobile device is burgeoning in recent years. User can share their information on social network websites anywhere through mobile devices (e.g. PDA or smart phones). Text input is no longer just a few words, but gradually changes to a larger number of articles when using such social network websites. Nowadays, most of the mobile devices keyboard implement on touch screen, and follow the traditional keyboard arrangement, only suitable for the language which has few alphabets. If it applies on the language which has large amount of alphabets on traditional keyboard arrangement such as Japanese, Korean and Chinese, the keyboard arrangement will crowded and the key buttons will tiny, which makes low efficiency of entering text. In this study we consider numbers of ergonomic criteria to design a two-page keyboard arrangement for double-thumb using ant colony optimization from optimization perspective, based on smart phones and input method of Zhuyin. The results compares with existing keyboard, can which significantly enhance the input speed.


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