  • 學位論文


A Study of the Current Situations and Difficulties of the Application of Information Technology in the Food and Beverage Service Industry - The Case of the Food and Beverage Department at International Tourist Hotels

指導教授 : 張承晋


摘 要 隨著資訊科技發展,餐飲業在經營管理上受到衝擊及改變,影響產業發展甚鉅。過去相關研究中很少注意到餐飲業者運用資訊科技後所衍生的困難。本研究旨在瞭解國際觀光旅館之餐飲部運用資訊科技於ERP及POS之現況及困難因素調查。研究工具是採自編問卷,問卷信度(Cronbach α =.966),樣本的來源是以台北、高雄地區全部33家國際觀光旅館之餐飲部採分層隨機抽樣的方式選取高階主管、中階幹部及一般員工填答問卷。總共發出660份問卷,回收之有效問卷為597份(有效回收率為90.4%)。經由文獻回顧,國際觀光旅館之餐飲部運用資訊科技所面臨之因難分為技術、組織、管理、環境四個構面。對於回收之問卷採用敘述統計、信度分析、因素分析、t -檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析等統計方法,研究結果顯示: 1、困難原因前五名在(1)技術構面是系統功能、數量、教育訓練之適切性及資訊科技競爭優勢;(2)組織構面是組織變革程度,高階主管對科技認知程度,一般員工對科技接受程度;(3)管理構面是經營效益之增加,餐廳經營型態規模與投資意願;(4)環境構面是科技未來發展趨勢,消費者習慣,國家服務業資訊化政策。 2、四個構面經由因素分析共萃取出十個因素在(1)技術構面是「系統適切性」、「系統發展性」;(2)組織構面是「組織變革程度」、「主管認知程度」、「員工接受程度」;(3)管理構面是「經營效益」、「投資意願」;(4)環境構面是「經營趨勢」、「消費習慣」、「國家政策」。 3、「系統適切性」與員工教育程度有顯著差異;「系統發展性」與員工在工作職務有顯著差異;「組織變革程度」與員工年齡、及工作職務有顯著差異;「主管認知程度」與員工在性別、教育程度及工作職務有顯著差異;「員工接受程度」與員工教育程度有顯著差異;「經營效益」與員工工作職務有顯著差異;「投資意願」與員工性別、教育程度、工作職務有顯著差異;「消費習慣」與員工年齡及工作職務有顯著差異;「國家政策」與員工教育程度有顯著差異。 4、國際觀光旅館之餐飲部運用資訊科技後,在技術、組織、管理、環境的平均得分,皆高於理論平均值,有非常顯著差異。 5、國際觀光旅館之餐飲部運用資訊科技所面臨之困難分為技術、組織、管理、環境四個構面,皆呈顯著的正相關。 這些研究結果將可提供國際觀光旅館之餐飲部在運用資訊科技時,減少困難,更符合企業發展趨勢。另一方面也提供尚未導入資訊科技之中小型餐飲企業,做為資訊化推動時之參考。


A Study of the Current Situations and Difficulties of the Application of Information Technology in the Food and Beverage Service Industry – The Case of the Food and Beverage Department at International Tourist Hotels Abstract The development of technology affects the management in the food and beverage service industry. The study explores the situations of using Enterprise Resource Planning and Point of Sale in the food and beverage department of the international tourist hotels. With stratified random selecting, the sample is from the managers, general employees, and executive officers of the 33 hotels. The responding rate is 90.4%. The results show that: 1. The four main aspects of the difficulties in application are techniques, organization, management, and environments. In addition, the correlations between the factors are significantly positive. 2. The five factors of the first aspect are : system function, number, educational training, and competition in the factor of technique; the evolution, knowledge, and acceptation are the factors of the organization aspect ; the effectiveness, the form of hotel, and investment in the factor of management are of third ; the trend of technology, the habits of consumer, and the policy in the factor of environment are of the last. 3. There are ten sub-factors from the four main factors. 4. We find that the difficulties among sexes, working years education levels and working positions result in different p value < .05 except in the management factor 5. After applying information technologies, the hotels hove significantly higher average scores in technique, organization, management and environments than the expectation values in the each factor. The study provides the international tourist hotels some suggestions to help them apply technologies. In addition, it provides guidance for the small & medium food and beverage service enterprises which do not use technology yet. Keywords: Food and Beverage Service Industry, International Tourist Hotel, Information Technology, Enterprise Resource Planning, Point of Sale




