  • 學位論文

ISO 22000在殺菌袋食品之應用研究-以咖哩牛肉為例

Application of ISO 22000 to the Retort Pouch Foods -Using Curried Beef as an Example Application of ISO 22000 to the Retort Pouch Foods -Using Curried Beef as an Example Application of ISO 22000 to the Retort Pouch Foods-Using Curried Beef as an E

指導教授 : 曾國書博士


本研究以咖哩牛肉殺菌袋(Retort Pouch)食品為例進行食品工廠推行ISO 22000之個案分析。咖哩牛肉殺菌袋食品的製造過程包含原物料驗收、前處理、充填、封口、殺菌、包裝、運送到消費者食用等步驟,每一個步驟都含有潛在的危害。ISO 22000包含前提方案(PRPs)、作業前提方案(OPRPs)及危害分析與重要管制點計劃書(HACCP plan)等主要項目。當中之前提方案包含1.安全的水源2.食物接觸表面清潔度3.防止加熱後污染4.洗手、衛浴設施維護5.化學物質(添加物)或污染物防止侵入6.清洗消毒物質之物質管理7.員工健康管理及8.蟲鼠害管制等項目。殺菌袋食品整個製程中之用水,原料到成品及使用器具皆以生菌數和大腸桿菌做為衛生標準。 實驗結果發現整個製程中生菌數符合標準,大腸桿菌皆為陰性。利用危害分析鑑別出的作業前提方案(OPRPs)控制點有3個,分別是冷藏庫、冷凍庫及冷卻水溫度控制,而重要管制點(Critical Control Point)有2個,分別是封口強度3.0㎏/15mm以上、穿刺強度0.65 kgf以上及耐壓強度50㎏以上與殺菌初溫25℃、溫度121℃及時間28 分鐘。上述事項均符合乎食品安全法令與法規要求。個案通過ISO 22000驗證後,作業前提方案與重要管制點皆須每天監控與確認、個別查證每年一次,所以食品安全能持續的確保,且食品安全管理系統穩定的實施。實施ISO 22000後其具體成果如下:打檢無膨包,品質目標執行良好,咖哩牛肉殺菌袋產品無顧客抱怨,整體速食品組顧客抱怨數從94年的11件降至95年的3件。個案研究結果亦發現通過ISO 9001驗證後若要推行ISO 22000食品安全管理系統驗證時,可藉由原先的品質管理系統加以修正,增加前提方案等項目,以符合ISO 22000之要求,不需重新建立新的品質系統,可減少資源之浪費並加速與國際接軌。


Abstract In this study, curried beef retort pouch foods were applied as an example for implementing ISO 22000 food safety system. The production processes of curried beef pouched foods including raw material inspection, receiving ,precooking, filling, sealing, pasteurization, packing, shipping and finally, customer?s use, every step has potential hazards and some of them may be critical. The main items of ISO 22000 food safety system include PRPs, OPRPs and HACCP plan etc.Main contents of prerequisite programmes (PRPs) were: 1.Safety of water. 2.Condition and cleanliness of food contact surfaces. 3.Prevention of cross-contamination. 4.Maintenance of hand washing and sanitizing as well as toilet facilities. 5.Protection from adulterants and contaminants. 6.Proper labeling、storage and use of toxic compounds. 7. Control of employees’ healthy conditions. 8.Exclusion of pests. Aerobic plate counts and E. coli were used as sanitation standards for water, raw materials, end products and utensils during the whole processes of Retort pouch Foods production. Experiment results showed that for the whole processes, Aerobic plate counts complied with factory sanitation standards, and in addition, E. coli was negative (no-incidence). Three OPRPs points were identified by using Hazard Analysis including, temperature control of chilling and freezing refrigerators, as well as cool water and also, two CCP points were found including seal strength (3.0㎏/15min above) ,stab strength (0.65 kgf above) and pressure-resistant (50㎏ above) , and initial temperature (25℃) and pasteurization temperature (121℃) and time (28min) . The above-mentioned items all meet food acts and laws in this case. After passing certification of ISO 22000, OPRPs and CCPs both have to be monitored and validated everyday, individual verification has to be carried out every year in order to reinsure food safety and to make sure food safety management system is running steadily. The main achievements of implementing ISO 22000 were as follows: no swollen retort pouch found during inspection, goals of quality keeping in good condition, no customers complaint received for curried beef retort pouch foods and for the more, customers complaint cases decreased from 11(94) to 3(95) for the whole instant foods section. Case study results also found: after having passed the ISO 9001 certification, by means of improving current quality system, for instance, adding OPRPs ,etc., the requirements of ISO 22000 could be met without rebuilding new quality management system. This can reduce resource waste and boost the connections with other countries in the world. Key words:Curried beef Retort Pouch Foods Food Safety Management System (FSMS),ISO 22000 Prerequisite Program (PRP) Operational Prerequisite Program (OPRP) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)


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