  • 學位論文


Studies on Antioxidant and Antiglycation properties of Loquat(Eriobotrya japonica)flowers extract

指導教授 : 虞積凱


近年來飲食及生活習慣的改變,使得罹患第二型糖尿病患者增多,若人體長期處於高血糖狀況下,血漿中血糖高易導致蛋白質和葡萄糖連結形成非酵素性褐變,即為糖化反應(glycation),最終將形成最終糖化產物(advanced glycation end products, AGEs),而此類 AGEs會與體內細胞受體作用,使體內訊息傳遞發生問題或細胞受損,進而引發糖尿病及相關病變,例如: 糖尿病(Diabetic)、視網膜病變(Retinopathy)、動脈粥狀硬化(Atherosclerosis)等。如何降低 AGEs的產生,並預防糖尿病之發生或提供易與糖反應之抗氧化物質為重要課題之一。因此尋求天然的抗氧化劑,以減少人體中自由基及減少相關病變的發展也變得更加重要。 枇杷在生長過程中,果農為了增加枇杷品質,通常會進行疏花、疏果,因此,每年有大量的枇杷花被丟棄。近年來保健概念普及,市面上有相當多天然植物以茶包或飲品方式販售,為了探討枇杷花茶是否也具有保健之功效,因此本研究針對枇杷花一般成分進行分析,並且以酒精、水/酒精、25℃、50℃水萃取枇杷花中抗氧化和抗糖化物質,進行抗氧化及糖化試驗,以評估枇杷花萃取物在抗氧化及預防糖尿病相關病變發展之潛力。 枇杷花一般成份分析中結果顯示水份占最多數,其次為灰份,含量最少的則為還原糖。以四種不同方式萃取枇杷花,在抗氧化試驗結果顯示,以水/酒精萃取物有較佳的一氧化氮清除能力、 DPPH自由基清除能力及總抗氧化性,同時其萃取物酚類及類黃酮化合物的含量也較多。在抑制亞麻油酸自氧化及螯合亞鐵離子能力則是 50℃水萃效果較佳,分別為 79.1%及 65.9%。 以萃取物進行糖化反應抑制時,由於高血糖易與蛋白質結合,最後會形成不可逆的最終糖化產物。結果顯示隨著蛋白質糖化反應時間增長,最終糖化產物(AGEs)、雙羰基化合物及蛋白質羰基的量也隨之增加。而枇杷花萃取物可有效的減少糖化反應產物之生成,抑制雙羰基含量以最佳水/酒精效果達 28.08%為最佳,抑制糖化終產物以 25℃水枇杷花萃取物 86.87 %效果較佳。 綜合上述結果,枇杷花萃取物具有良好的抗氧化性,於抗糖化試驗中也顯示具有清除雙羰基及最終糖化產物能力,因此,枇杷花萃取物應有預防糖尿病之潛力。


In recent years, changes in diet and lifestyle, making the risk of type 2 diabetes patients increased. If the human body in long-term plasma conditions of high blood sugar, high blood sugar and protein and glucose link easily lead to the formation of non-enzymatic browning is call glycosylation (glycation), will eventually form a higher glycated end product (AGEs). Such AGEs react with the cell receptors lead to in vivo signaling problem or cell damage, and thus make diabetes and related diseases, such as: Diabetic, Retinopathy, Atherosclerosis etc. How to reduce the generation of AGEs and prevent the occurrence of diabetes, or to provide easy and sugar response antioxidants are one of the important topics. Therefore seek natural anti-oxidants to reduce free radicals in body and reduce the development of AGEs also become more important. Loquat in the growth process, the farmers in order to increase the loquat quality, usually flower thinning, fruit thinning, so lots of loquat flowers were discarded each year. In recent years, people healthcare concept gradually increase, there is quite lots of natural plant sold in tea bags, in order to investigate whether the loquat tea also has the effect of health care, this study general composition analysis for loquat flowers, and using alcohol, water / alcohol, 25 ℃, 50 ℃ water extraction loquat flowers antioxidant and anti-glycation substances, anti-oxidation and glycosylated test to assess the loquat flowers extract antioxidant and prevent the diabetic. The loquat flower was processed the general composition analysis of the results show the water content accounted for the most common, followed by the ash content of at least compared to crude protein. Loquat flowers extracted by four different antioxidant test results show that the water /alcohol extract better in total antioxidant, nitric oxide scavenging and DPPH radical clearance rate respectively of 95.5%, 76.5% and 98.1% , its extract phenols and flavonoids content was also more. In the inhibition of linoleic acid oxidation and chelation of ferrous ion is 50 ° C water extract better, 79.1% and 65.9% respectively. Glycosylation due to high blood sugar and protein binding, finally formation irreversible advanced glycation end products. The results showed that with the increase of the protein glycation reaction time, advanced glycation end products (AGEs), the dicarbonyl compounds and the amount of protein carbonyl groups increased more. Loquat flowers extract can effectively reduce the formation of the glycosylation reaction products, inhibition dicarbonyl content of 28.08%, is water / alcohol extract has the best inhibition. Inhibition advanced glycation end products is 25 ℃ water loquat flower extract has 86.87%. The results, loquat flower extract has good resistance to oxidation, in trials of anti-glycated clear dicarbonyl and final glycation products ability, loquat flower extract may have potential prevent diabetes.


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邱致穎, 2003,熱處理對紫玉山藥的抗氧化性之影響, 靜宜大學食品營養研究所碩士論文。
