  • 學位論文


Investigation of the teaching status of swimming programs, service satisfaction and trouble in Taichung city elementary schools

指導教授 : 葉季森


中文摘要 背景與目的:政府推動水域運動政策、制度不夠具體,缺乏親水教育,使得溺水事故時有耳聞。推動正確水域運動觀念及技巧,可使民眾生活品質提高,增加休閒運動機會,更可減少溺水死亡人數,民眾生存權可受到保障。本研究希望瞭解臺中市國小游泳教學現況、教學滿意度、困擾程度、學生游泳能力檢測、業務承辦人行政負荷、工作疲勞感。 研究方法:採自編「臺中市國小游泳教學調查問卷」為研究工具,進行郵寄問卷普查。共發出233份問卷,回收141份,回收率60.5%。統計方法有描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因數變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關。 研究結果:1.臺中市90.1%的國小,有實施游泳教學。2.水中自救技能-水母漂、仰漂,和游泳技能-捷式、蛙式,是過半數學校上課的重點。3.有95.3%的學校,上課費用由學生自行繳納。4.游泳教學有中高程度的滿意度,前三項為:校長的支持、行政單位的支持、安全考量。5.有專任游泳師資的學校其游泳教學滿意度較高。6.游泳教學有中低程度的困擾程度,前三項為:安全考量壓力很大,師資不足,缺乏實施經費。7.海線學校之游泳教學困擾程度顯著高於屯區學校及中區學校。8.隨著年級的增加,游泳能力檢測通過率逐年提高,六年級通過率是66.2%,一到六年級平均通過率56.1%。9.業務承辦人的行政負荷與工作疲勞感是高度正相關,游泳教學滿意度與困擾程度是中度負相關。 結論: 1.學校實施游泳教學安全考量壓力大。2.校內專業游泳師資嚴重不足。3.缺乏實施經費,學生自費比率過高。 建議: 1.游泳教育的推動,應納入正式課程。2.辦理游泳師資的培訓,並建立專業師資人力資料庫。3.降低上課費用,並補助弱勢學生及偏遠地區學校上游泳課的經費。4.學生游泳能力的檢測可參照歐美國家的標準,並應確實執行、考核、追蹤。5.逐年增設或改善現有游泳池設備,平衡城鄉差異。


Abstract Background and objective:Drowning events have been occurring recently owing to the lack of adequate aquatic physical education programs designed by government authorities. In order to elevate the quality of life for civilians, to create more opportunities for recreational sports, and to reduce drowning events, the authorities concerned should take actions to promote aquatic physical education programs. The purpose of the study is to explore satisfaction level, interference level of the implementation of swimming teaching at the elementary schools in Taichung city. Moreover, Swimming proficiency test as well as the correlation between teachers’ workload and working fatigues will be discussed. Methods:Questionnaires were sent to 233 school teachers in charge of swimming teaching in Taichung city, and obtained 141 completed questionnaires. The response rate for this study was 60.5%. Statistic methods include descriptive statistics、t- test、one-way ANOVA、Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient. Results:a. 90.1% of the elementary schools offer swimming lessons. b. The swimming lessons are inclusive of life saving skills (Jellyfish float & floating on back) as well as basic swimming skills (free style & breaststroke). c. Swimming lessons fees are paid by students in 95.3% of the schools in Taichung city. d. The teachers in charge of the swimming lessons are most satisfied with the supports from principals and administration staff as well as the safety level. e. Coach instruction has an obvious impact on the satisfaction level. f. The overall interfering situation on swimming teaching stays in a lower-intermediate level. The most interfering factors are the worries about students’ safety, the lacking of professional coaches, and the shortage of budget. g. The schools in the coastal areas have more interfering factors than the schools in the urban areas. h. The number of the students passing the swimming test has been increasing gradually with age. Grade 6 has reached 66.2%. And the average passing rate for grade1-6 students is 56.1%. I. There’s a high positive correlation between teachers’ workload and working fatigues; it has a middle negative correlation between satisfaction level and interference level. Conclusions:a. Schools having swimming lessons are taking too much pressure for the reason of students’ safety. b. Schools are lacking of certified professional coaches. c. Subsidy for swimming lessons for students is so low that they have to pay most of the swimming lessons fee. Suggestions:a. To specify swimming teaching as official curriculum. b. To provide training courses for swimming teachers and to set up manpower resource. c. To offer lessons with lower fee and to subsidize students with financial needs in remote districts. d. To carry out proficiency tests according to western standards and to keep track of the students’ records to improve children''s swimming performance. e. To improve swimming facilities in remote districts gradually every year to balance the difference between the city and the country.


臺灣體育運動管理學會(2005)。開拓水域運動邁向海洋國家 2004年推動學生水域運動計劃之過程與成果。運動管理季刊,6,107-115。


