  • 學位論文


A Study on Constructing the Service Quality Assessment Indicators of Pre-school

指導教授 : 曾燦燈


台灣幼兒園因少子化趨勢、政治形態、人力資源、法令政策以及同業間惡性競爭下,經營成本逐年升高,獲利空間被壓縮。處在種種不利於幼兒園經營的環境中,其經營者必須深入了解顧客的需求,提升滿足顧客需求之服務,提高顧客忠誠度,並輔以品牌行銷的效果吸引新顧客上門,建立不被模仿的營運策略,以面對不斷創新、求變的產業環境,取得競爭優勢。 本研究旨在建構「幼兒園服務品質評量指標」,建構過程首先透過文獻探討,整理歸納服務品質相關內涵,建構初步幼兒園服務品質評量指標系統,為求指標之適切性,採用德懷術調查法邀請此領域之專家學者提供寶貴意見,藉由不斷溝通互動、分析、篩選及修正形成一致性的共識,完成建構幼兒園服務品質評量指標。 本研究經由十六位學者專家及實務工作者,透過三回合往返修正與檢視結果,完成指標之建構,研究結論如下: 一、本研究所建構之「幼兒園服務品質評量指標」分為四個層面、十六個項目與九十五個指標。 (一)環境設施層面包含:建築規劃、設備器材、校園安全及衛生保健等四個項目,共計建構出三十一個指標。 (二)教保品質層面包含:教學規劃、教材教法、課室經營及評量紀錄等四個項目,共計建構出二十二個指標。 (三)職工權責層面包含:專業師資、服務態度、行政支援及職工權益等四個項目,共計建構出十九個指標。 (四)園家關係層面包含:繳費機制、園家互動、教育資源及親師溝通等四個項目,共計建構出二十三個指標。 二、本研究依據研究目的與研究結果,提出建議事項,以供教育行政主管機關與幼兒園經營者、園長對於幼兒園服務品質的推動,以及有意從事進一步研究之研究者參考。


評量指標 服務品質 幼兒園


Nowadays the cost for holding a preschool is increased and the profit earned is decreased due to the following reasons: the trend of fewer children born in Taiwan, political ideologies, unbalanced human resources, government policies, and the competition among other preschools. In this unfriendly environment, preschool managers/owners have to understand the customers’ needs in order to enhance their service quality for satisfying their customers’ requests, which also can increase the customers’ loyalty to their institutions. In addition, they also need to implement brand marketing to attract customers and set an operation strategy which can not be duplicable. This can allow preschools to gain advantages among others in the rapid-changing and innovation-based industrial environment. This study aims to construct the assessment indexes for measuring the preschool service quality. First, we generated the service quality indexes after analyzing those examined in past studies. Secondly, in order to establish the internal validity of our indexes, we invited academic scholars from relevant fields to provide valuable comments and went through discussion in order to achieve consistent consensus. In brief, Delphi Method was used as our research methodology in this study. We constructed the preschool service quality assessment indexes via analyzing assessment indexes discussed in previous studies, selecting useful ones, and revising them based on scholars’ comments. The results of this study may provide preschools a reference for self-evaluation on service quality. The indexes were constructed through three-time revisions and checks by sixteen scholars and practicers. The results of our study are concluded as follows, 1. The assessment indexes for measuring preschool service quality involve four levels, sixteen items and ninety-five indexes. (1) The level of environment and facility: it involves four items and thirty-one indexes, including architecture layouts, equipment, campus safety, and heath care. (2) The level of teaching and child care: it involves four items and twenty-two indexes, including teaching plans, teaching methods and materials, classroom management, and evaluation records. (3) The level of employees’ responsibilities: it involves four items and nineteen indexes, including teachers, service attitudes, administrative support and employees’ welfare (4) The level of the relationships between preschools and parents: it involves four items and twenty-three indexes, including tuition payment methods, the interactions between preschools and parents, education resources and parent-teacher communication 2. According to our research purpose and results, we propose suggestions for government officers, preschool managers, and educators who attempt to promote the service quality. In addition, this study can be a reference for researchers who attempt to advance this study.




呂淑媛(2013)。模糊德菲法與層級分析法在國中資優生 研究作品評量指標建構之應用〔博士論文,國立高雄師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6817/NKNU.2013.00028
